Johan Häggström

NOMAD – 9 (2)

Nummer / Issue Volume 9, No 2 Ledare/Editorial Ledare – Nordic Contact Committe Pekka Kupari Recent developments in Finnish mathematics education Erkki Pehkonen & Markku S. Hannula Mathematical belief research in Finland Helle Alrø & Ole Skovsmose Dialogic learning in collaborative investigation Marit Johnsen Høines Understanding constituted by understandings Carl Winsløw Semiotics as an analytic […]

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NOMAD – 9 (1)

Nummer / Issue Volume 9, No 1 Ledare/Editorial Nomad gör nystart Fritz Johnsen Dyscalculia – A Cognitive Approach Erkki Pehkonen & Günter Törner Investigating Teachers’ Beliefs Carl Winsløw Quadratics in Japanese Barbro Grevholm A Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education starts in 2004

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NOMAD – 8 (4)

Nummer Issue Volume 8, No 4 Ledare / Editorial NOMAD-stafetten går videre fra Norge til Finland Fulvia Furinghetti and Erkki Pehkonen A comparative study on students’ beliefs concerning their autonomy in doing mathematics Helle Alrø, Morten Blomhøj, Henning Bødtkjer, Ole Skovsmose og Mikael Skånstrøm Farlige små tal – almendannelse i et risikosamfund

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NOMAD – 8 (3)

Nummer Issue Volume 8, No 3 Guest editors: Barbara Jaworski and Bodil Kleve Background and motives for the conference Jere Confrey Leveraging constructivism to apply to systematic reform Jill Adler Social practice theory and mathematics teacher education: a conversation between theory and practice Stephen Lerman Some problems of socio-cultural research in mathematics teaching and learning

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NOMAD – 8 (2)

Nummer / Issue Volume 8, No 2 Ledare / Editorial Vurdering og rekruttering Inger Wistedt, Gudrun Brattström och Mats Martinson Studier av kunskapbildning i matematik i dialog mellan två vetenskaper Frode Olav Haara Hoderegning og valg av arbeidsmetode ved elementære utregninger i addisjon, subtraksjon, multiplikasjon og divisjon

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NOMAD – 8 (1)

Nummer Issue Volume 8, No 1 Ledare / Editorial Lærerutdanning og forskning Anne Watson Going across the grain: mathematical generalisations in a group of low attiners Leila Pehkonen How do primary pupils give written arguments in a conflicting mathematical situation Rolf Hedrén Alternatives to standard algorithms. A study of three pupils during three and a

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NOMAD – 7 (3-4)

Nummer Issue Volume 7, No 3-4 Ledare / Editorial Matematikkdidaktikk Nina Skov Hansen, Christine Holm og Kristin Troels-Smith Modelkompetancer Tomas Bergqvist Gymnasieelever undersöker ett matematiskt begrepp med grafräknare Gunnar Gjone Review: A multidimensional approach to learning in mathematics and sciences

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NOMAD – 7 (2)

Nummer Issue Volume 7, No 2 Ledare / Editorial Forskning og forskningens organisering Ronald Bradal Synspunkter på matematikk i utdanningen sett i lys av matematikkens rolle på to utvalgte arbeidsplasser Elena Nardi The challenge of teaching first-year undergraduate mathematics: tutors’ reflections on the formal mathematical enculturation of their students Book Review

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NOMAD – 7 (1)

Nummer Issue Volume 7, No 1 Ledare / Editorial Internasjonale undersøkelser Robert P. Burn Integration, a genetic introduction. Djordje Kadijevich What may be neglected by an application-centered approch to mathematics education? Gunnar Gjone Review: Theory of didactical situations in mathematics. Didactique des mathematiques, 1970-1990.

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NOMAD – 6 (3-4)

Nummer Issue Volume 6, No 3-4 Ledare/Editorial The international congress on mathematics education in 2008 – A task for the Nordic countries? Malcolm Swan Discussion activities, teacher beliefs and the learning of mature, low attaing students. Anne Berit Fuglestad Computer support for diagnostic teaching. The case of decimal numbers. Gloria Stillman Engagement with task context

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