The journal Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education – Nordisk Matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD – is a journal publishing results from research in mathematics education. It addresses all that are interested in following the progress in this field in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden.
The main objectives of the journal are to stimulate, support and foster Nordic and Baltic researchers and post-graduate students in mathematics education and thereby contribute to the development of mathematics teaching and learning in theory and practice at all levels of the educational system. NOMAD publishes articles based on theoretical analysis as well as on empirical studies, reports on results from research projects and research-based developmental projects. Our hope is that Nomad will promote Nordic studies in mathematics education and spread their results both inside and outside the Nordic and Baltic countries.
The responsibility for the operative editorship have rotated among the Nordic countries. During the first four years, 1993–1996, NOMAD was edited and published by the Department of Didactics at Göteborg University, Sweden. The following four Volumes were edited by three institutions in Norway; Telemarksforsking in Notodden, Telemark University College and Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleutvikling at Oslo University. The editing of Volumes 9–10 was done at Åbo Akademi in Vasa, Finland. For Volume 11–13 the editorship was placed in Denmark, at the Universities of Roskilde and Aalborg. In 2009 the policy of having a rotating editorship was abandoned. The present policy is to have an editorial team of a least four persons representing Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
The editorial committee and the editors strive to attain good contacts with the readers. In addition to research articles the editors also welcome brief reports of research, research literature, and conferences, critiques of articles and book reviews.
NOMAD is a quarterly journal published by NCM.