Anette Fröberg

Why don’t we understand statistics?

The first study of why people struggle to solve statistical problems reveals a preference for complicated rather than simpler, more intuitive solutions — which often leads to failure in solving the problem altogether. The researchers suggest this is due to unfavorable methods of teaching statistics in schools and universities, and highlight the serious consequences when […]

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Recension: International perspectives on mathematics curriculum

Denisse Thompson, Mary Ann Huntley, and Christine Suurtamm provide a broad overview of mathematics curricula in eight countries in their book, International Perspectives on Mathematics Curriculum. The book consists of ten chapters, including an introduction that lays out guiding questions. Each of the next eight chapters focuses on a particular country’s mathematics curriculum; countries covered

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What keeps Chinese students motivated in doing math homework?

As many students face the enduring challenge of maintaining their motivation to complete homework assignments, there is a critical need to pay close attention to homework motivation management (i.e., student’s efforts to sustain or enhance their motivation in order to complete homework assignments that might be boring or difficult). Yet, in spite of research showing

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Om PISA samt lärarrollen på Bokmässan

Bokmässan i Göteborg pågår torsdag – söndag, 27-30 september. Den här gången kan man bl.a. lyssna till Lucy Crehan som föreläser om världens mest lyckade skolsystem och PISA resultat under rubriken ”Hemligheterna bakom världens bästa skolsystem”. Per Kornhall kommer tillsammans med Sara Svanlund hålla i föreläsningen ”Hur kan lärarrollen stärkas? En handbok för lärare”.

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