
Down’s syndrome students excel in new math teaching program

Annie and her Year 6 teacher Melanie Stratford at St Benedict’s Primary School in Narrabundah have been part of an Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) study since the start of the year and already the results have been ”amazing”. Students with Down syndrome usually operate at a much lower level of maths, but thanks

Down’s syndrome students excel in new math teaching program Read More »

England: We don’t need education reform – we need a whole new system

One of the Coalition’s proudest boasts has been that it has started to increase the quality of education in our schools, after years of decline. Now, Sir Michael Wilshaw, the head of Ofsted, has delivered a bombshell. He states that we are failing at least 170,000 of our children (around 70,000 more than two years

England: We don’t need education reform – we need a whole new system Read More »

Claims of East Asia’s ‘chalk and talk’ teaching success are wrong, and short-sighted too

The problem with such calls ( we should learn from the “chalk and talk” teaching methods reported to be used in Shanghai ) is the assumption that the success of East Asian countries is due to specific features of their education systems. Even at first glance, this assumption would seem to be dubious. The school

Claims of East Asia’s ‘chalk and talk’ teaching success are wrong, and short-sighted too Read More »