
Nytt nummer av NOMAD

Nu kommer snart ett nytt nummer av NOMAD, Nordisk MatematikkDidaktikk, från tryckeriet. Redan nu kan du läsa om det på NOMAD:s webbplats. NOMAD nr 3, 2016 innehåller 4 artiklar. Yvonne Liljekvist Mathematics teachers’ knowledge-sharing on the Internet: pedagogical message in instruction materials Evangelia Triantafyllou, Morten Misfeldt and Olga Timcenko Attitudes towards mathematics as a subject,

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Engaging primary children in mathematics

Book review: The author, Margaret Sangster, acknowledges the ability of children to learn mathematics involves numerous variables. From recent brain research, international testing, the hierarchy of skills, use of calculators, teaching strategies, and teachers’ dispositions for teaching mathematics, Sangster brings them all together in this vital book. Through a solid mix of research, theory, and

Engaging primary children in mathematics Read More »