
Interleaved practice improves math test scores

The results of a randomized controlled trial, published in the Journal of Educational Psychology, suggest that a greater emphasis on interleaved practice may dramatically improve math test scores for seventh graders. Whereas most mathematics worksheets consist of a block of problems devoted to the same skill or concept, an interleaved worksheet is arranged so that […]

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Phase transitions: The math behind the music

Physics Professor Jesse Berezovsky contends that until now, much of the thinking about math and music has been a top-down approach, applying mathematical ideas to existing musical compositions as a way of understanding already existing music. He contends he’s uncovering the ’emergent structures of musical harmony’ inherent in the art, just as order comes from

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Normerna fångas i formler

Pontus Strimling leder tillsammans med Kimmo Eriksson en forskargrupp på Institutet för framtidsstudier som använder matematiska modeller för att undersöka hur och varför normer förändras i samhället. I en artikel nyligen lyfter de till exempel fram en övergång som sker just nu, från normen att hosta i handen till att hosta i armvecket i stället. Läs vidare [Forskning och framsteg]

Normerna fångas i formler Read More »