
A growth mindset intervention can change students’ grades if school culture is supportive

Boosting academic success does not have to derive from new teachers or curriculum; it can also come from changing students’ attitudes about their abilities through a short online intervention, according to the latest findings from the National Study of Learning Mindsets published in Nature on Aug. 7. The experimental study involved more than 12,000 ninth

A growth mindset intervention can change students’ grades if school culture is supportive Read More »

Novel school improvement program can raise teaching quality while reducing inequality

A multi-national European study, looking at over 5,500 students, has found that a novel school intervention program can not only improve the mathematics scores of primary school children from disadvantaged areas, but can also lessen the achievement gap caused by socioeconomic status. Läs mer [EurekAlert!]

Novel school improvement program can raise teaching quality while reducing inequality Read More »

Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters obey same mathematical pattern

Researchers from the Centre for Mathematical Research (CRM) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have mathematically described the frequency of several dangerous phenomena according to their size with more precision than ever. Using new statistical tools, researchers have rigorously demonstrated how the frequency of earthquakes, hurricanes, torrential rains and meteorite impacts can be described with

Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters obey same mathematical pattern Read More »