
Transition to online teaching – so far so good but who are we leaving behind?

With the vast majority of schools and universities in the world teaching online there is plenty scope for research into how well or not the transition has been managed and what conclusions can be drawn from the experience. Läs vidare [] Läs även Hur har studenter anpassat sig till den plötsliga omställningen till digital undervisning? []

Transition to online teaching – so far so good but who are we leaving behind? Read More »

Statistikern om modellen: ”Simulerat en miljon gånger”

Måns Thulin ger svar på hur innebandyns SM-slutspel 2019/20 hade slutat. När det inte kan avgöras på planen får man ta till andra metoder. De senaste veckorna har Innebandymagazinet tagit hjälp Måns Thulin för att genom statistik förutspå hur slutspelet hade gått på herr- och damsidan. Läs vidare [Innebandymagazinet]  

Statistikern om modellen: ”Simulerat en miljon gånger” Read More »

New mathematical model can more effectively track epidemics

As COVID-19 spreads worldwide, leaders are relying on mathematical models to make public health and economic decisions. A new model improves tracking of epidemics by accounting for mutations in diseases. Now, the researchers are working to apply their model to allow leaders to evaluate the effects of countermeasures to epidemics before they deploy them. Läs

New mathematical model can more effectively track epidemics Read More »