
Mattefredag i Kalmar

Under höstlovet bjuder Linnéuniversitetet in till en spännande tisdagseftermiddag där du som barn, ungdom eller vuxen får möjlighet att ”gympa” din hjärna genom olika praktiska och teoretiska utmaningar. Mattefredag på en tisdag? Har det blivit fel i kalkyleringen? Inte alls! Då öppnas portarna för en spännande eftermiddag i Kalmar för hela familjen. Mattefredag arrangeras även

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The advantages of print vs. digital reading

A meta-analysis on the effects of reading media on reading comprehension Highlights • Paper-based reading yields better comprehension outcomes than digital-based reading. • Reading time frame and text genre moderate the medium effect on comprehension. • The advantage of paper-based comprehension has increased over the years since 2000. Läs vidare [ScienceDirect]

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Hands on, Minds on: How executive function, motor, and spatial skills foster school readiness

Early childhood is a period of developmental firsts. Children take their first steps, use their first words, make their first friends, and have their first experiences in formal schooling. All of these monumental achievements open up expansive opportunities for exploration, growth, and development, but at the same time they present the challenges of absorbing new

Hands on, Minds on: How executive function, motor, and spatial skills foster school readiness Read More »

Why don’t we understand statistics?

The first study of why people struggle to solve statistical problems reveals a preference for complicated rather than simpler, more intuitive solutions — which often leads to failure in solving the problem altogether. The researchers suggest this is due to unfavorable methods of teaching statistics in schools and universities, and highlight the serious consequences when

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