
Rough terrain? No problem for beaver-inspired autonomous robot

Researchers are using stigmergy, a biological phenomenon that has been used to explain everything from the behavior of termites and beavers to the popularity of Wikipedia, to build new problem-solving autonomous robots. While the project involves animals and robots, its main focus is math: specifically, developing new algorithms — the sets of rules that self-governing

Rough terrain? No problem for beaver-inspired autonomous robot Read More »

John Hattie is wrong

He is famous for a book, Visible Learning, which claims to review every area of research that relates to teaching and learning. He uses a method called “meta-meta-analysis,” averaging effect sizes from many meta-analyses. The book ranks factors from one to 138 in terms of their effect sizes on achievement measures. Läs mer [robertslavinsblog]

John Hattie is wrong Read More »