
Dividing by zero: Exploring null results in a mathematics professional development program

Since 2002, U.S. federal funding for educational research has favored the development and rigorous testing of interventions designed to improve student outcomes. However, a large proportion of the programs developed and rigorously tested in the past decade have shown null results on both student outcomes and, often, intermediate variables. In this paper, we argue for

Dividing by zero: Exploring null results in a mathematics professional development program Read More »

Hur påverkas elevers skolresultat av läroplanen?

Detta undersöker Johan Prytz, docent vid Uppsala universitet,  i en artikel publicerad i Nordic Journal of Educational History. ”Mellan åren 1980 och 1995 förbättras svenska elevers resultat kraftigt i den internationella kunskapsmätningen TIMSS. Under just de åren var Lgr80 (Läroplanen för grundskolan 1980) i kraft, och enligt en studie från Uppsala universitet är det tydligt

Hur påverkas elevers skolresultat av läroplanen? Read More »

Ancient maths could foil future cyber hackers

Ancient mathematical problems dating back to Babylonian times could hold the key to keeping our personal data and online payments safe from hackers in the future. A new project by a University of Reading mathematician, in collaboration with Microsoft, will study equations that have fascinated mathematicians for thousands of years, and explore how they might

Ancient maths could foil future cyber hackers Read More »

Nations refine mathematics and science education to keep pace with a changing world

Across the world, many new mathematics and science curricula have been implemented in the last decade, according to results released today from TIMSS, the longest running large-scale international assessment of mathematics and science education in the world.  IEA’s TIMSS assessment, directed by the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College, was conducted in

Nations refine mathematics and science education to keep pace with a changing world Read More »

Divide and conquer: a new formula to minimize ’mathemaphobia’

Maths – it’s the subject some kids love to hate, yet despite its lack of popularity, mathematics is critical for a STEM-capable workforce and vital for Australia’s current and future productivity. In a new study by the University of South Australia in collaboration with the Australian Council for Educational Research, researchers have been exploring the

Divide and conquer: a new formula to minimize ’mathemaphobia’ Read More »

Digitala läromedel hjälper elever i Helsingborg att bli bättre på matematik

Skolinspektionen identifierade nyligen att Svenska skolor behöver utveckla matematikundervisningen och lägga fokus på utforskande samtal och interaktion. Som en del i arbetet med att nå en högre måluppfyllnad har några skolor i Helsingborg valt att använda digitala läromedel där elever får möjlighet att kommunicera matematik. Läs vidare [It-pedagogen]

Digitala läromedel hjälper elever i Helsingborg att bli bättre på matematik Read More »