Volume 17, No 3-4, December 2012
Erkki Pehkonen
Research on mathematical beliefs. The birth and growth of the MAVI group in 1995–2012
Peter Liljedahl, Susan Oesterle and Christian Bernèche
Stability of beliefs in mathematics education: a critical analysis
Anu Laine, Liisa Näveri, Maija Ahtee, Markku S. Hannula and Erkki Pehkonen
Emotional atmosphere in third-graders’ mathematics classroom – an analysis of pupils’ drawings
Inés Mª Gómez-Chacón
Affective pathways and interactive visualization in the context of technological and professional mathematical knowledge
Chiara Andrà and Guido Magnano
Interplay of cognition and affect in undergraduate math students’ careers: insights from recursive partitioning
Fulvia Furinghetti, Chiara Maggiani and Francesca Morselli
How mathematics students perceive the transition from secondary to tertiary level with particular reference to proof
Cristina Coppola, Pietro Di Martino, Tiziana Pacelli and Cristina Sabena
Primary teachers’ affect: a crucial variable in the teaching of mathematics
Sonja Lutovac and Raimo Kaasila
Dialogue between past and future mathematical identities
Hanna Palmér
(In)consistent? The mathematics teaching of a novice primary school teacher
Päivi Portaankorva-Koivisto
Prospective mathematics teachers’ metaphors for mathematics, teaching, and the teacher’s role
Madis Lepik, Anita Pipere and Markku S. Hannula
Comparing mathematics teachers’ beliefs about good teaching: the cases of Estonia, Latvia and Finland
Igor’ Kontorovich and Boris Koichu
Feeling of innovation in expert problem posing