
Dissecting artificial intelligence to better understand the human brain

In the natural world, intelligence takes many forms. It could be a bat using echolocation to expertly navigate in the dark, or an octopus adapting its behavior to survive in the deep ocean. Likewise, in the computer science world, multiple forms of artificial intelligence are emerging. Cognitive neuroscientists are using those emerging networks to enhance

Dissecting artificial intelligence to better understand the human brain Read More »

Stephen Hawkings sista teori kan vara hans viktigaste upptäckt

Det är fysikerns kollegor som nu avslöjar att Stephen Hawking hann avsluta arbetet med en banbrytande matematik som krävs för att finna spår av multipla big bangs.Arbetet presenteras i en vetenskaplig rapport med rubriken ”A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation” och ska lösa ett problem Hawking lade fram i en teori 1983. »»» Läs vidare

Stephen Hawkings sista teori kan vara hans viktigaste upptäckt Read More »

Early numeracy performance of young kids linked to specific math activities at home

New research finds links between certain math skills in young children and specific numerical activities undertaken at home with parents. The study also finds that the more parents engage in mathematical activities with their children, the higher their early numeracy performance. »»» Läs vidare [Science DailyX]

Early numeracy performance of young kids linked to specific math activities at home Read More »