
Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters obey same mathematical pattern

Researchers from the Centre for Mathematical Research (CRM) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have mathematically described the frequency of several dangerous phenomena according to their size with more precision than ever. Using new statistical tools, researchers have rigorously demonstrated how the frequency of earthquakes, hurricanes, torrential rains and meteorite impacts can be described with […]

Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters obey same mathematical pattern Read More »

Mikael Passares stipendium 2019

Annie Karlsson, Skottorps skola, Laholm

Danylo Shevshuk, Jonsboskola, Långshyttan

Elsa Börjesson, Vasaskolan, Kalmar

Felix Tsukanaka Ohorn, Ekdalaskolan, Mölnlycke

Iris Alvengren, Skottorps skola, Laholm

Isabelle Sihver, Källängens skola, Lidingö

Johan S Curstedt, Danderyds gymnasium, Danderyd

Martin Haoxuan, Montessoriskolan kvarnhjulet, Mölndal

Mohammed Hadi Alizade, Söraskolan, Åkersberga

Sofia Sundström Curstedt, Stocksundsskolan, Solna

Mikael Passares stipendium 2019 Read More »

California’s positive outliers: Districts beating the odds

In this report, we summarize the results of a quantitative analysis that identifies districts in which students of color, as well as their White peers, have demonstrated extraordinary levels of academic achievement, measured by California’s new assessments in English language arts and mathematics, taking into account race and family income and education levels. These results

California’s positive outliers: Districts beating the odds Read More »

Kängururesultat 2019

Nu finns de bästa resultaten i årets kängurutävling tillgängliga. I år deltog drygt 100 000 elever från förskoleklass till gymnasiets kurs 5. Vi vill passa på att tacka alla elever och lärare för fina insatser i årets kängurutävling! Välkomna tillbaks nästa år! Kängurukommittén Årets resultat för Milou åk 2. Årets resultat i övriga känguruklasser.

Kängururesultat 2019 Read More »