With funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Clements and Julie Sarama, professor and chair of the Department of Learning and Instruction at the University at Buffalo, and their colleagues develop intervention curriculums and tools that help children better understand the ”language of mathematics” and learn early math skills. Helping children identify and connect the mathematics ideas that they use in daily activities is crucial to learning math at an early age.
”Children as young as three to five years of age have the potential to learn mathematics that is surprisingly complex and sophisticated.”
Läs mer, [www.nsf.gov] …
Barn och matematik 0-3 år, [ncm.gu.se] …
Små barns matematik, [ncm.gu.se] …
”Even before they have received formal instruction in arithmetic, almost all children exhibit reasonably sophisticated and appropriate problemsolving skills in solving simple word problems. They attend to the content of the problem; they model the problem; they invent more efficient procedures for computing the answer. Given the limits of their mathematical skills, this performance is remarkable. Contrast this with performance several years later, when many children solve any problem by choosing a single arithmetic operation based on surface details of the problem
(Carpenter, Corbitt, Kepner, Lindqvist & Reys, 1980)”, [Nämnaren] …
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