Publikationerna kan i de flesta fall köpas genom någon svensk internetbokhandel som AdLibris eller Bokus. Vill man veta vilka bibliotek som har boken söker man i Libris.(2011). Gymnasieskola 2011. Stockholm, Skolverket.
Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (2011). Mathematical needs [Elektronisk resurs] : mathematics in the workplace and higher education. London, ACME.
Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (2011). Mathematical needs [Elektronisk resurs] : the mathematical needs of learners. London, ACME.
Askew, M. (2011). Transforming primary mathematics. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, Routledge.
Ball, B., D. Ball, et al. (2008). Functioning mathematically : a collection of activities for KS3 and KS4. Derby, Association of Teachers of Mathematics.
Belcastro, S.-M. and C. Yackel (2011). Crafting by concepts : fiber arts and mathematics. Natick, Mass., A K Peters.
Bidgood, P., N. Hunt, et al. (2010). Assessment methods in statistical education : an international perspective. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.
Brooks, G. (2008). Effective and inclusive practices in family literacy, language and numeracy [Elektronisk resurs] : a review of programmes and practice in the UK and internationally : Research paper. Berkshire, CfBT Education Trust.
Brown, T. (2011). Mathematical education and subjectivity : cultures and cultural renewal. Dordrecht [etc.], Springer.
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Devlin, K. J. (2011). The man of numbers : Fibonacci’s arithmetic revolution. New York, N.Y., Walker & Co.
Diehl, S. (2010). Inledande geometri för högskolestudier. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (2011). Key data on learning and innovation through ict at school in europe: 2011. Brussels, Eurydice.
Frantz, M. and A. Crannell (2011). Viewpoints : mathematical perspective and fractal geometry in art. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
Grimvall, G. (2011). Quantify! : a crash course in smart thinking. Baltimore, Md. ; London, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Hansen, A. and D. Vaukins (2011). Primary Mathematics Across the Curriculum /. Exeter, Learning Matters.
Hejný, M., Implementing Innovative Approaches to the Teaching of Mathematics (projekt), et al. (2006). Creative teaching in mathematics. V Praze, Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta.
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Håkansson, J. and J. Hattie (2011). Synligt lärande : presentation av en studie om vad som påverkar elevers studieresultat. Stockholm, Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting.
Kaiser, G. (2011). Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling : ICTMA 14. Berlin, Springer.
Karp, A. and B. R. Vogeli (2011). Russian mathematics education : programs and practices. Singapore ; Hackensack, N.J., World Scientific.
Lindström, P. and Lunds universitet. Avdelningen för kognitionsforskning (2011). Understanding as experiencing a pattern Understanding as experiencing a pattern. Lund, Cognitive Science, Department of Philosophy, Lund University.
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Mehanovic, S. (2011). The potential and challenges of the use of dynamic software in upper secondary mathematics : students’ and teachers’ work with integrals in GeoGebra based environments. Linköping, Department of Mathematics, Linköping University.
Michael, R. T. (2008). Children’s reading and math skills [Elektronisk resurs] : the influence of family caring. London, Centre for Longitudinal Studies.
NESSE (2011). ). The challenge of shadow education : private tutoring and its implications for policy makers in the European Union. Brussels, European Commission.
NordForsk (2011). Comparing research at Nordic universities using bibliometric indicators : a publication from the NORIA-net ”Bibliometric Indicators for the Nordic Universities”. Oslo, NordForsk.
Novotná, J. and H. Moroavá (2011). Proceedings : the mathematical knowledge needed for teaching in elementary schools : Prague, the Czech Republic, Charles University, Faculty of Education, August 21-26, 2011 : proceedings. Prague, Charles University, Faculty of Education.
Oldknow, A. J. and C. Knights (2011). Mathematics education with digital technology. London ; New York, Continuum.
Olofsson, P. (2010). Probabilities : the little numbers that rule our lives. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.
Parner, M. (2011). Virtuoser med blick för talens magi och andra essayer. Visby, Books on Demand.
Partanen, A.-M. (2011). Challenging the school mathematics culture : an investigative small-group approach : ethnographic teacher research on social and sociomathematical norms. Rovaniemi, University of Lapland. Tutkiva pienryhmätyöskentely haastaa koulumatematiikan kulttuurin.
Sjögren, J. (2011). Concept formation in mathematics [Elektronisk resurs]. Göteborg, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Skolverket (2011). Gymnasial lärlingsutbildning och arbetsplatsförlagt lärande : gymnasieskola 2011. Stockholm, Skolverket.
Sultan, A. and A. F. Artzt (2011). The mathematics that every secondary school math teacher needs to know. New York, Routledge.
Sverige. Skolverket (2011). Kommentarmaterial till kursplanen i matematik. Stockholm, Skolverket : Fritze [distributör].
Sverige. Skolverket (2011). Läroplan för grundsärskolan 2011.Stockholm, Skolverket : Fritze [distributör].
Sverige. Skolverket (2011). Läroplan för sameskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011. Stockholm, Skolverket.
Thompson, D. R. (2008). Mathematical literacy : helping students make meaning in the middle grades. Portsmouth, NH, Heinemann.
Way, J. and J. Bobis (2011). Fractions : teaching for understanding. Adelaide, Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers.
Ziliak, S. T. and D. N. McCloskey (2008). The cult of statistical significance : how the standard error costs us jobs, justice, and lives. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.