Publikationerna kan i de flesta fall köpas genom någon svensk internetbokhandel som AdLibris eller Bokus. Vill man veta vilka bibliotek som har boken söker man i Libris.Bråting, K., H. Sollervall, et al. (2013). Geometri för lärare. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
Dehaene, S. and E. Brannon (2011). Space, time and number in the brain : searching for the foundations of mathematical thought. London, Academic.
Derrick, J., K. Ecclestone, et al. (2009). Formative assessment in adult literacy, language and numeracy. Leicester, NIACE.
Ecclestone, K. (2010). Transforming formative assessment in lifelong learning. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England ; New York, NY, Open University Press.
Franklin, J. (2001). The science of conjecture : evidence and probability before Pascal. Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Fägerstam, E. and Linköpings universitet. Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (2012). Space and Place [Elektronisk resurs] : Perspectives on outdoor teaching and learning. Linköping, Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning.
Harlen, W. (2013). Assessment & inquiry-based science education : issues in policy and practice. Trieste, Italy, Global Network of Science Academies.
Holmqvist Olander, M. (2013). Learning study i förskolan. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
Isaksson, C. and Lärarnas riksförbund (2013). Den engagerade läraren. Stockholm, Ekerlid.
Kim, J. (2013). Mathematics education in Korea : curricular and teaching and learning practices. Singapore, World Scientific.
Kärre, A. (2013). Lekfull matematik i förskolan. Stockholm, Lärarförbundets förlag.
Langville, A. N. and C. D. Meyer (2012).Who’s #1? : the science of rating and ranking. Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford, Princeton University Press.
Mulcahy, C. K. (2013). Mathematical card magic : fifty-two new effects. Boca Raton, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Olande, O. (2013). Students’ narratives from graphical artefacts [Elektronisk resurs] : Exploring the use of mathematics tools and forms of expression in students’ graphicacy. Sundsvall, Dep. of Science Education and Mathematics, Mid Sweden University.
Watanabe, M. (2012). ”Heterogenius” classrooms : detracking math and science : a look at groupwork in action. New York, NY, Teachers College Press.