Publikationerna kan i de flesta fall köpas genom någon svensk internetbokhandel som AdLibris eller Bokus. Vill man veta vilka bibliotek som har boken söker man i Libris.AAMT-MERGA Conference (2011 : Alice Springs N.T..), J. Clark, et al. (2011). Mathematics: traditions and [new] practices : proceedings of the AAMT-MERGA Conference, held in Alice Springs, 3-7 July 2011. Adelaide, S.A., Published by Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, and, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Papers från en del av konferensen kan läsas här.
Arbetslivsinstitutet, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, et al. (1992). Arvet efter Turing. Stockholm, Carlsson : Kungliga Dramatiska teatern.
Batanero, C., G. Burrill, et al. (2011). Teaching statistics in school mathematics, challenges for teaching and teacher education : a joint ICMI/IASE study: the 18th ICMI study. Dordrecht [etc.], Springer.
Bednarz, N., D. Fiorentini, et al. (2011). International approaches to professional development of mathematics teachers. Ottawa, University of Ottawa Press.
Berggren, P. and M. Lindroth (2011). Laborativ matematik – för en varierad undervisning. Uppsala, JL Utbildning.
Berts, K.-E. and K. Solin (2011). Matematiken och Wittgenstein : en introduktion i matematikens filosofi. Stockholm, Thales.
Brahier, D. J., W. R. Speer, et al. (2011). Motivation and disposition : pathways to learning mathematics. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Chazan, D., S. Callis, et al. (2008). Embracing reason : egalitarian ideals and the teaching of high school mathematics. New York, Routledge.
Christensen, H. (2010). Maths at work : mathematics in a changing world : proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics (ALM) : hosted by Vox, Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning, Oslo, Norway, 28th – 30th June 2010. London, Adults Learning Mathematics.
Collins, A. M. (2011). Using classroom assessment to improve student learning : math problems aligned with NCTM and Common Core State standards. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
DeBoer, G. E. (2011). The role of public policy in K-12 science education. Charlotte, N.C., Information Age Pub.
Fennell, F. M. and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2011). Achieving fluency : special education and mathematics. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Fuson, K. C., D. H. Clements, et al. (2011). Focus in grade 2 : teaching with curriculum focal points. Reston, VA
Washington, DC, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ; National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Gorman, J., J. Mark, et al. (2010). Lesson study in practice : a mathematics staff development course. Portsmouth, NH, Heinemann.
Hull, T. H., D. Balka, et al. (2011). Visible thinking in the K-8 mathematics classroom. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Corwin.
Laud, L. and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2011). Using formative assessment to differentiate mathematics instruction, grades 4-10 : seven practices to maximize learning. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Corwin.
Lundqvist, N. and B. R. Hall (1946). Festskrift tillägnad B. Rud. Hall den 14 november 1946 : studier och uppsatser överräckta på sjuttioårsdagen av vänner och lärjungar. [Stockholm], [B. Rud. Hall].
Martin, D. B. (2009). Mathematics teaching, learning, and liberation in the lives of black children. New York, Routledge.
Middleton, J. A. and A. Jansen (2011). Motivation matters and interest counts : fostering engagement in mathematics. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Otto, A. D. and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2011). Developing essential understanding of multiplication and division for teaching mathematics in grades 3-5. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Petit, M. M., R. E. Laird, et al. (2010). A focus on fractions : bringing research to the classroom. New York, Routledge.
Petkovic, M. (2009). Famous puzzles of great mathematicians. Providence, R.I., American Mathematical Society.
Poskitt, K., D. Postgate, et al. (2008). De fyra fängslande räknesätten. Örnsköldsvik, Argasso.
Poskitt, K. and P. Reeve (2009). Magiska mått : längd, area och volym. Örnsköldsvik, Argasso.
Rayner, C. and H. Semerson (2010). Älgen Ernst. Stockholm, Turbine.
Remillard, J., B. A. Herbel-Eisenmann, et al. (2011). Mathematics teachers at work : connecting curriculum materials and classroom instruction. London, Routledge.
Stein, J. D. (2011). Cosmic numbers : the numbers that define our universe. New York, Basic Books.
Stenkilsson, L. and FramKom – Företag och skola i samverkan (2010). Matte i Ljungby : en lokal matematikbok för gymnasieelever. Ljungby, FramKom.
Stenkilsson, L. and FramKom – Företag och skola i samverkan (2011). Matte i Ljungby : 7-9 : en lokal matematikbok för grunskolans årskurs 7-9. Ljungby, FramKom.
Strutchens, M. E. and J. R. Quander (2011). Focus in high school mathematics. Fostering reasoning and sense making for all students. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Sverige. Skolverket (2011). Eleverna och nätet : PISA 2009 om 15-åringars förmåga att söka, läsa och värdera digital information. Stockholm, Skolverket : Fritze [distributör].
Tafteberg Jakobsen, I. (2011). Antoni Gaudí : geometrien bag arkitekturen. København, Matematiklærerforeningen.
Tate, W. F., K. D. King, et al. (2011). Disrupting tradition : research and practice pathways in mathematics education. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Vorderman, C. and T. Lidfeldt Bager (2011). Hjälp ditt barn med matte : genom hela grundskolan och gymnasiet / Carol Vorderman ; översättning av Torun Lidfeldt Bager ; faktagranskning av Michael Jungestrand. Askim, Tukan Förlag.
Zaremba, M. and Dagens nyheter (2011). Hem till skolan : [Dagens nyheters uppmärksammade artikelserie]. Stockholm, Natur & kultur.
Zazkis, R. (2011). Relearning mathematics : a challenge for prospective elementary school teachers. Charlotte, NC, Information Age Pub.