Nyförvärv november, 2009

Abrandt Dahlgren, M. and I. Carlsson (2009). Lärande på vuxnas vis : vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Athen, H. and H. Kunle (1977). Proceedings of the third international congress on mathematical educations [Karlsruhe 16 – 21 August 1976]. Karlsruhe.

Barwell, R. (2009). Multilingualism in mathematics classrooms : global perspectives. Buffalo, N.Y., Multilingual Matters.

Berglund, I. (2009). ”Byggarbetsplatsen som skola – eller skolan som byggarbetsplats? en studie av byggnadsarbetares yrkesutbildning. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogiskt arbete.

Bernstein, M. A. and W. A. Friedman (2009). Thinking about equations : a practical guide for developing mathematical intuition in the physical sciences and engineering. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.

Bessot, A. and P. Vérillon (1993). Espaces graphiques et graphismes d’espaces : contribution de psychologues et de didacticiens à l’étude de la construction des savoirs spatiaux. [Grenoble (France)], La Pensée sauvage.

Bird, R. (2009). Overcoming difficulties with number : supporting dyscalculia and students who struggle with maths. Los Angeles ; London, SAGE.

Bresser, R., K. Melanese, et al. (2009). Supporting English language learners in math class, grades K-2. Sausalito, CA, Math Solutions Publications.

Brodie, K. and K. Coetzee (2008). Teaching Mathematical Reasoning in Secondary School Classrooms. New York, Springer Verlag.

Bunch (1989). Reality’s mirror : exploring the mathematics of symmetry. New York, Wiley.

Churchman, S. L. (2006). Bringing math home : a parent’s guide to elementary school math : games + activities + projects. Chicago, Ill., Zephyr Press.

Cross, C. T., T. A. Woods, et al. (2009). Mathematics learning in early childhood : paths toward excellence and equity. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.

Devi, S. (2002). Awaken the genius in your child : a practical guide for parents. London, Vega.

Dunham, W. (1994). The mathematical universe : an alphabetical journey through the great proofs, problems and personalities. New York, Wiley.

Dworsky, L. N. (2009). Understanding the mathematics of personal finance : an introduction to financial literacy. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.

Eichinger, J. (2009). Activities linking science with math, 5-8. Arlington, VA, NSTA.

Ekelöf, E., Centrum för flexibelt lärande, et al. (2009). Yrkesutbildning – en framtida arena för vuxnas lärande : anföranden och dokumentation från en konferens vid Stockholms universitet den 28-29 oktober 2008. Söderhamn, CFL/centrum för flexibelt lärande, Söderhamns kommun.

Ernest, P., B. Greer, et al. (2009). Critical issues in mathematics education. Charlotte, NC, IAP/Information Age Pub.

Fauskanger, J., R. Mosvold, et al. (2009). Å regne i alle fag. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.

Frucht, W. (1999). Imaginary numbers : an anthology of marvelous mathematical stories, diversions, poems, and musings. New York, Wiley.

Geake, J. G. (2009). The brain at school : educational neuroscience in the classroom. Maidenhead, England, McGraw Hill/Open University Press.

Gessen, M. (2009). Perfect rigor : a genius and the mathematical breakthrough of the century. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Godino, J. D., Á. Contreras, et al. (2008). Semiotics in mathematics education : epistemology, history, classroom, and culture. Rotterdam ; Taipei, Sense.

Greer, G. B. (2009). Culturally responsive mathematics education. New York, Routledge.

Gustavsson, B., G. Andersdotter, et al. (2009). Folkhögskolans praktiker i förändring. Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Hansen-Thomas, H. (2009). English language learners and math : discourse, participation, and community in reform-oriented, middle school mathematics classes. Charlotte, NC, Information Age Pub.

Hansson, T. (2009). Didaktik för yrkeslärare. Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Hjortlund, T. and Sverige Skolverket (2009). Rektors arbete med IUP : stöd för analys av utvecklingsbehov. Stockholm, Skolverket.

Hoyles, C. and J.-B. Lagrange (2009). Mathematics education and technology : rethinking the terrain : the 17th ICMI study. London, Springer.

Hull, T. H., D. Balka, et al. (2009). A guide to mathematics coaching : processes for increasing student achievement. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Corwin.

Högberg, R. (2009). Motstånd och konformitet : om manliga yrkeselevers liv och identitetsskapande i relation till kärnämnena. Linköping, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande.

Jurdak, M. (2009). Toward equity in quality in mathematics education. New York, Springer.

Kajander, A. (2007). Big ideas for growing mathematicians : exploring elementary math with 20 ready-to-go activities. Chicago, Ill., Zephyr Press.
Presents twenty activities ideal for an elementary classroom, each of which is divided into sections that summarize the mathematical concept being taught, the skills and knowledge the students will use and gain during the activity, and step-by-step instructions.

Kajander, A. (2007). Big ideas for small mathematicians : kids discovering the beauty of math with 22 ready-to-go activities. Chicago, Lancaster,, Zephyr.

Kling Sackerud, L.-A. (2009). Elevers möjligheter att ta ansvar för sitt lärande i matematik : en skolstudie i postmodern tid. Umeå, Institutionen för matematik, teknik och naturvetenskap, Umeå universitet.

McNamara, T. J. (2008). Teaching essential mathematics, grades K-8 : increasing engagement and building understanding of key concepts. Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press.

Millman, R. S., B. Grevholm, et al. (2008). Tasks in primary mathematics teacher education : purpose, use and exemplars. New York ; London, Springer.

Mirra, A. (2009). Focus in prekindergarten – grade 2 : teaching with curriculum focal points. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Morse, A. and D. Schifter (2009). Cultivating a math coaching practice : a guide for K-8 math educators. Thousand Oaks, Calif.[Newton, Mass.], Corwin, Education Development Center.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2009). Focus in high school mathematics : reasoning and sense making. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

O’Halloran, K. L. (2008). Mathematical discourse : language, symbolism and visual images. London, Continuum.

Peterson, I. (2001). Fragments of infinity : a kaleidoscope of math and art. New York, Wiley.

Posamentier, A. S. (2000). Making geometry come alive! : student activities & teacher notes. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Corwin Press.

Posamentier, A. S. and S. Krulik (2009). Problem solving in mathematics, grades 3-6 : powerful strategies to deepen understanding. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Corwin.

Reeve, W. D., National Council of Teachers of Mathematics., et al. (1932). The Teaching of algebra : the seventh yearbook. New York, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University.

Reimer, L. and W. Reimer (1990). Mathematicians are people, too : stories from the lives of great mathematicians. Parsippany, NJ, Dale Seymour Publications.

Reimer, L. and W. Reimer (1995). Mathematicians are people, too : stories from the lives of great mathematicians. Vol. 2. Palo Alto, Calif., Dale Seymour Publications.

Rojahn Olafsen, A. and M. Maugesten (2009). Matematikkdidaktikk i klasserommet. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.

Rose, C. M., L. Minton, et al. (2007). Uncovering student thinking in mathematics : 25 formative assessment probes. Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press.

Rossi, C. (2004). Architecture and mathematics in ancient Egypt. New York, Cambridge University Press.

Salvadori, M. and J. P. Wright (1998). Math games for middle school : challenges and skill-builders for students at every level. Chicago, Ill., Chicago Review Press.
Uses explanations, word problems, and games to cover some mathematical topics that middle school students need to know, including the invention of numerical notations, basic arithmatical operations, measurements, geometry, graphs, and probability.

Shaughnessy, M., B. L. Chance, et al. (2009). Focus in high school mathematics : reasoning and sense making in statistics and probability. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Sherman, H. J., L. I. Richardson, et al. (2009). Teaching learners who struggle with mathematics : systematic intervention and remediation. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey., Pearson/Merrill.

Sriraman, B. and L. D. English (2009). Theories of mathematics education : seeking new frontiers. Berlin ; London, Springer.

Sriraman, B. and S. Goodchild (2009). Relatively and philosophically E[superscript a]rnest : festschrift in honor of Paul Ernest’s 65th birthday. Charlotte, N.C., IAP, Information Age Pub.

Stahl, G. (2009). Studying virtual math teams. New York, Springer.

Stone, R. (2007). Best practices for teaching mathematics : what award-winning classroom teachers do. Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press.

Sverige. Teknikdelegationen (2009). ”Finns teknik och är matte svårt?” : årets niondeklassare svarar : en webbundersökning av svenska niondeklassares intresse för matematik och teknik inför gymnasievalet 2009. Stockholm, Teknikdelegationen.

Thompson, D. R. and B. H. Litwiller. (2008). Navigating through problem solving and reasoning in grade 6. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Walls, F. (2009). Mathematical subjects : children talk about their mathematics lives. New York ; London, Springer.

Vestlin, L. and Lärarförbundet (2009). Från wikis till mattefilmer : om IKT i skolan. Stockholm, Lärarförbundet.

Zaslavsky, C. (1998). Math games & activities from around the world. Chicago, Ill., Chicago Review Press ; Distributed by Independent Publishers Group.
Presents games and other activities from different countries and cultures that teach a variety of basic mathematical concepts.

Zaslavsky, C. (2003). More math games & activities from around the world. Chicago, Chicago Review Press.
Presents games and other activities from different countries and cultures that teach a variety of basic mathematical concepts.

Zimmermann, G. (2009). Empowering the mentor of the preservice mathematics teacher. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

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