Publikationerna kan i de flesta fall köpas genom någon svensk internetbokhandel som AdLibris eller Bokus. Vill man veta vilka bibliotek som har boken söker man i Libris.Baptist, P., D. Bocka, et al. (2009). Alles ist Zahl : Dokumentation der Wanderaustellungen. Bayreuth, Universität Bayreuth.
Baptist, P., C. Miller, et al. (2013). Alles ist Zahl : Mathematik andersartig. Bayreuth, Universität Bayreuth.
Bennett, E. and J. Weidner (2012). Everyday maths through everyday provision : developing opportunities for problem solving, reasoning and numeracy in the early years. New York, Routledge.
Bergqvist, T. (2011). Problem solving in mathematics education : proceedings from the 13th ProMath Conference, September 2-4, 2011 in Umeå, Sweden : Learning problem solving and learning through problem solving. Umeå, Umeå university, Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre, UMERC.
Choate, J., R. L. Devaney, et al. (1999). Iteration : a tool kit of dynamics activities. Emeryville, CA, Key Curriculum Press.
Cundy, M. H. and A. P. Rollett (1981). Mathematical models. Norfolk, Tarquin Publications.
Dahlin, K. I. E. (2013). Does it pay to practice? : a quasi-experimental study on working memory training and its effects on reading and basic number skills. Stockholm, Department of Special Education, Stockholm University.
Doverborg, E. and A. Wallby (2013). Barn och matematik : 3-5 år. Göteborg, Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning, Göteborgs universitet.
Giles, G. (2002). Match the views. Diss, Tarquin.
Glendinning, P. (2013). Matematik för nyfikna : [200 nyckelbegrepp förklarade på nolltid]. Stockholm, Lind & Co.
Grevholm, B. (2013). Nordic research in didactics of mathematics : past, present and future. Oslo, Cappelen Damm.
Grieg, C. and A. Erlandsson (2013). Skapande förskola : matematik. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
Grønmo, L. S. and T. Onstad (2013). The significance of TIMSS and TIMSS advanced : mathematics education in Norway, Slovenia and Sweden. Oslo, Akademia Publishing.
Haylock, D. and A. Cockburn (2013). Understanding mathematics for young children : a guide for teachers of children 3-8. London, SAGE.
Herrlin, K., H. Ackesjö, et al. (2012). Förskoleklassens didaktik : möjligheter och utmaningar. Stockholm, Natur & Kultur.
Illeris, K. (2013). Kompetens : [vad, varför, hur]. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
Kornhall, P. (2013). Barnexperimentet : svensk skola i fritt fall. Stockholm, Leopard.
Lundin, S. (2012). Mechanism, understanding and silent practice in the teaching of arithmetic : on the intension, critique and defence of Carl Alfred Nyström’s Digit-Arithmetic 1853-1888. Göteborg, Department of Philosophy, Llinguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg.
Pettersson, E. and I. Wistedt (2013). Barns matematiska förmågor – och hur de kan utvecklas. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
Roulstone, I. and J. Norbury (2013). Invisible in the storm : the role of mathematics in understanding weather. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Rystedt, E. and L. Trygg (2013). Matematikverkstad : en handledning för laborativ matematikundervisning. Göteborg, Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning (NCM), Göteborgs universitet.
Schneps, L. and C. Colmez (2013). Math on trial : how numbers get used and abused in the courtroom. New York, Basic Books.
Sriraman, B. (2013). Abstracts of the first sourcebook on Asian research in mathematics education : China, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and India. Charlotte, N.C., Information Age Publishing.
Stewart, I. (2013). Visions of infinity : the great mathematical problems. New York, NY, Basic Books.
Sverige. Skolverket (2012). Förordning (SKOLFS 2012:101) om läroplanen för vuxenutbildningen. Stockholm, Skolverket : Fritze [distributör].