Nyförvärv mars, 2012

Publikationerna kan i de flesta fall köpas genom någon svensk internetbokhandel som AdLibris eller Bokus. Vill man veta vilka bibliotek som har boken söker man i Libris.Carlson, J. S. and J. R. Levin (2012). Instructional strategies for improving students’ learning : focus on early reading and mathematics. Charlotte, N.C., Information Age Pub.

Dyson, G. (2012). Turing’s cathedral : the origins of the digital universe. London, Allen Lane.

Elwes, R. (2011). How to build a brain and 34 other really interesting uses of maths. London, Quercus.

Erickson, M. (2011). Beautiful mathematics. Washington, DC, Mathematical Association of America.

Hanna, G., M. D. De Villiers, et al. (2012). Proof and proving in mathematics education : the 19th ICMI study. Dordrecht, Springer.

Harrison, C., S. Howard, et al. (2012). Bedömning för lärande i årskurs F-5 : inne i ”the Primary Black Box”, Stockholms Universitets förlag.

Higgin, L. (2011). Algebra : creative tasks, activities and games for ages 11 – 14. St Albans, Tarquin.

Higgin, L. (2011). Number : creative tasks, activities and games for ages 11 – 14. St Albans, Tarquin.

Lennerstad, H. and C. Olteanu (2012). Åtta IKT-projekt för matematiken i skolan : empiri och analys.Karlskrona, Blekinge Institute of Technology.

Nilsson, P. (2012). Att se helheter i undervisningen : naturvetenskapliga perspektiv. Stockholm, Skolverket.

Russell, S. J., D. Schifter, et al. (2011). Connecting arithmetic to algebra : strategies for building algebraic thinking in the elementary grades. Portsmouth, NH, Heinemann.

Sahlberg, P. and A. Hargreaves (2011). Finnish lessons : what can the world learn from educational change in Finland? New York, Teachers College Press.

Shumway, J. F. (2011). Number sense routines : building numerical literacy every day in grades K-3. Portland, Me., Stenhouse Publishers.

Skoglund, R. (2012). The future of learning : a book about passion, curiosity and feedback loops. S. l., Thinkout.

Waterman, S. S. (2009). Differentiating assessment in middle and high school mathematics and science. Larchmont, NY, Eye On Education.

Wedekind, K. O. (2011). Math exchanges : guiding young mathematicians in small-group meetings. Portland, Me., Stenhouse Publishers.

Whieldon, J. (2011). Mini mathematical murder mysteries : 16 activities to stretch and engage ages 11 – 13. St Albans, Tarquin.