Publikationerna kan i de flesta fall köpas genom någon svensk internetbokhandel som AdLibris eller Bokus. Vill man veta vilka bibliotek som har boken söker man i Libris.(2010). Övningar i Inledande geometri för högskolestudier. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
Bergius, B. (2011). Matematik – ett grundämne. Göteborg, Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning (NCM), Göteborgs universitet.
Bergström, L. and S. Streith (2010). Ni kan räkna med oss : matematik i träningsskolan. Härnösand, Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten.
Butterworth, B. (1999). What counts : how every brain is hardwired for math. New York, Free Press.
Carruthers, E. and M. Worthington (2011). Understanding children’s mathematical graphics : beginnings in play. Maidenhead, Open University Press.
Chapin, S. H., M. C. O’Connor, et al. (2009). Classroom discussions : using math talk to help students learn, grades K-6. Sausalito, Calif., Math Solutions.
Emanuelsson, J. (2011). Voices on learning and instruction in mathematics. Göteborg, Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning, Göteborgs universitet.
Fridh, L. and P. Lonhage (2010). Svenska siffror = Swedish counting. Stockholm, B. Wahlström.
Gorman, J., J. Mark, et al. (2010). A mathematics leader’s guide to lesson study in practice. Newton, MA, Portsmouth, NH, EDC ;
Hägerfeldt, G. and Nationellt centrum för svenska som andra språk (2011). Greppa språket : ämnesdidaktiska perspektiv på flerspråkighet. Stockholm, Skolverket.
Isaksson, C. (2011). Kommunaliseringen av skolan : vem vann – egentligen? Stockholm, Ekerlid.
James, A. N. (2009). Teaching the female brain : how girls learn math and science. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Corwin.
Examines how girls’ unique sensory, physical, cognitive, and emotional characteristics affect their performance in the classroom, and shows you how to adapt classroom experiences to assist girls’ learning, particularly in math and science.–From publisher description.
Kitchen, R. S. and M. Civil (2011). Transnational and borderland studies in mathematics education. New York, Routledge.
”Every year, significant numbers of immigrant children from Mexico enter classrooms in the United States. These immigrants comprise a heterogeneous group of students with diverse needs, abilities, and experiences. Transnational and Borderland Studies in Mathematics Education is the first collection to offer research studies across these communities. Providing invaluable research on both sending and receiving communities in Mexico and the U.S, this collection considers the multiple aspects of children’s experiences with mathematics, including curriculum, classroom participation structures, mathematical reasoning and discourse—both in and out of school—and parents’ perceptions and beliefs about mathematics instruction. An important treatment of an insufficiently documented subject, this collection brings together researchers on both sides of the border to foster and support an interest in documenting evidence that will set the stage for future studies in mathematics education”–Provided by publisher.
Klingberg, T. (2007). Den översvämmade hjärnan : en bok om arbetsminne, IQ och den stigande informationsfloden. Stockholm, Natur & kultur.
Lewis, C. C. and J. Hurd (2011). Lesson study step by step : how teacher learning communities improve instruction. Portsmouth, NH, Heinemann.
Lundström, L., A. Jakobsson, et al. (2011). Matematik – en demokratisk rättighet [Elektronisk resurs]. Malmö, Tankesmedjan.
Läroplanskommittén (1992). Skola för bildning : huvudbetänkande. Stockholm, Allmänna förl.
Ma, L. (2011). Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics : teachers’ understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. New York, Routledge.
Mason, J. and S. Klymchuk (2009). Using counter-examples in calculus. London
Singapore ; Hackensack, NJ, Imperial College Press.
Matti, T. (2009). Northern lights on Pisa 2006 : differences and similarities in the nordic countries. [København], Nordic Council of Ministers.
Moyer-Packenham, P. S., National Library of Virtual Manipulatives., et al. (2010). Teaching mathematics with virtual manipulatives : grades K-8. Rowley, MA, Didax.
NordForsk (2011). Enhancing the effectiveness of Nordic research cooperation : Nordic participation in the EU framework programmes : best practices and lessons learned. Oslo, NordForsk.
NordForsk (2011). Nordic contributions to the development of the ERA. Oslo, NordForsk.
NordForsk (2011). Rethinking Nordic added value in research. Oslo, NordForsk.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and Programme for International Student Assessment (2011). Quality time for students : learning in and out of school. Paris, OECD.
Pettersson, E. (2011). Studiesituationen för elever med särskilda matematiska förmågor. Växjö, Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press.
Solem, I. H., B. Alseth, et al. (2011). Tal och tanke : matematikundervisning från förskoleklass till årskurs 3. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
Sverige. Myndigheten för skolutveckling (2008). Utvecklingsdialog för skolutveckling : – metod och förhållningssätt. Stockholm, Myndigheten för skolutveckling : Liber distribution.
Sverige. Skolverket (2011). Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011. Stockholm, Skolverket.
Téllez, K., J. N. Moschkovich, et al. (2011). Latinos/as and mathematics education : research on teaching and learning in classrooms and communities. Charlotte, NC, Information Age Pub.
Zaslavsky, O. and P. Sullivan (2009). Constructing knowledge for teaching secondary mathematics : tasks to enhance prospective and practicing teacher learning. New York ; London, Springer.