Publikationerna kan i de flesta fall köpas genom någon svensk internetbokhandel som AdLibris eller Bokus. Vill man veta vilka bibliotek som har boken söker man i Libris. Boaler, J. and E. Trägårdh (2011). Elefanten i klassrummet : att hjälpa elever till ett lustfyllt lärande i matematik. Stockholm, Liber.
Bryant, P. and T. Nunes (2012). Children’s understandling of probability [Elektronisk resurs] : a literature review (full report). London, Nuffield Foundation.
Ellerton, N. and M. A. Clements (2012). Rewriting the history of school mathematics in North America 1607-1861 : the central role of cyphering books. Dordrecht, Springer.
Falmagne, J.-C. and J.-P. Doignon (2011). Learning spaces : interdisciplinary applied mathematics. Heidelberg [Germany] ; New York, Springer.
Forgasz, H. and F. Rivera (2012). Towards equity in mathematics education : gender, culture and diversity. Dordrecht, Springer.
Lo, M. L. (2012). Variation theory and the improvement of teaching and learning. Göteborg, Acta universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Lärarnas riksförbund (2012). Du får ingen andra chans [Elektronisk resurs] : kommunerna klarar inte skolans kompensatoriska uppdrag. Stockholm, Lärarnas riksförbund.
McKellar, D. (2012). Girls get curves : geometry takes shape. New York, Hudson Street Press.
van Bommel, J. (2012). Improving teaching, improving learning, improving as a teacher : mathematical knowledge for teaching as an object of learning. Karlstad, Karlstad universitet.
Zaccaro, E. and D. Zaccaro (2010). Scammed by statistics : how we are lied to, cheated and manipulated by statistics– and why you should care. Bellevue, Iowa, Hickory Grove Press.