Publikationerna kan i de flesta fall köpas genom någon svensk internetbokhandel som AdLibris eller Bokus. Vill man veta vilka bibliotek som har boken söker man i Libris.Al-Khalili, J. (2010). Pathfinders : the golden age of Arabic science. London, Allen Lane.
Appelbaum, P. M. and D. S. Allen (2008). Embracing mathematics : on becoming a teacher and changing with mathematics. New York, Routledge.
Askew, M. (2010). Values and variables : mathematics education in high-performing countries. London, Nuffield Foundation.
Barnett-Clarke, C. (2010). Developing essential understanding of rational numbers for teaching mathematics in grades 3-5. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Cooney, T. J., S. Beckmann, et al. (2010). Developing essential understanding of functions for teaching mathematics in grades 9-12. Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Drijvers, P. (2010). Secondary algebra education : revisiting topics and themes and exploring the unknown. Rotterdam ; Boston, Sense Publishers.
Gold, B. and R. A. Simons (2008). Proof and other dilemmas : mathematics and philosophy. [Washington, D.C.], Mathematical Association of America.
Heilbron, J. (2010). Galileo. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
Hersh, R. and V. John-Steiner (2010). Loving and hating mathematics : challenging the myths of mathematical life. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
Hodgen, J. (2010). Is the UK an outlier? : an international comparison of upper secondary mathematics education. London, Nuffield Foundation.
Högman, A.-K., L. Petterson, et al. (2010). Samhällsbyggare i närmiljön : kvinnliga och manliga folkskollärares insatser i det lokala samhällslivet 1860-1960. Uppsala, Fören. för svensk undervisningshistoria.
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Conference (31st : 2007 : Seoul Korea)., J.-H. Woo, et al. (2007). ”Proceedings of the 31st conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Seoul, July 8-13 2007.”
Jannok Nutti, Y. (2010). Ripsteg mot spetskunskap i samisk matematik : lärares perspektiv på transformeringsaktiviteter i samisk förskola och sameskola. Luleå, Luleå tekniska universitet.
Kaplan, R. and E. Kaplan (2011). Hidden harmonies : the lives and times of the Pythagorean theorem. New York, Bloomsbury Press.
Li, Y. and G. Kaiser (2011). Expertise in mathematics instruction : an international perspective.New York, Springer.
Lindberg, L. (2010). Matematiken i yrkesutbildningen : möjligheter och begränsningar. Luleå, Institutionen för matematik, Luleå tekniska universitet.
Bergersjö, L. (2010). En väg till matematik : om matematiken under Waldorfskolans första år. Alingsås, Bokförlaget Mynta.
Moschkovich, J. N. (2010). Language and mathematics education : multiple perspectives and directions for research. Charlotte, NC, Information Age Pub.
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (2008). The prime leadership framework : principles and indicators for mathematics education leaders. Bloomington, IN, Solution Tree.
Pitici, M. (2010). The best writing on mathematics 2010. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Regeringskansliet Utbildningsdepartementet (2011). Förskola i utveckling : bakgrund till ändringar i förskolans läroplan. Stockholm, Utbildningsdepartementet.
Rowland, T. and K. Ruthven (2011). Mathematical knowledge in teaching. Dordrecht ; London ; New York, Springer.
Salili, F. and R. Hoosain (2010). Democracy and multicultural education. Charlotte, NC, Information Age Pub.
Schwartz, J. E. (2008). Elementary mathematics pedagogical content knowledge : powerful ideas for teachers. Boston, Pearson/Allyn and Bacon Publishers.
Smith, J. P. (2010). Variability is the rule : a companion analysis of K-8 state mathematics. Charlotte, N.C., Information Age Pub.
Sriraman, B. and V. Freiman (2010). Interdisciplinarity for the twenty-first century : proceedings of the third International Symposium on Mathematics and its Connections to Arts and Sciences, Moncton 2009. Charlotte, N.C., IAP, Information Age Pub.
Sverige Skolverket (2010). Rustad att möta framtiden? : PISA 2009 om 15 åringars läsförståelse och kunskaper i matematik och naturvetenskap. Stockholm, Skolverket.
Sverige. Skolverket (2010). Rustad att möta framtiden? : PISA 2009 om 15-åringars läsförståelse och kunskaper i matematik och naturvetenskap : resultaten i koncentrat. Stockholm, Skolverket.
The Blue Ribbon Panel on Clinical Preparation and Partnerships for Improved Student Learning (2010). Transforming teacher education through clinical practice [Elektronisk resurs] : a national strategy to prepare effective teachers : report. Washington, DC, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
Venezia, M. (2010). Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak : geek heroes who put the personal in computers. New York, Children’s Press.