NOMAD sökresultat

Volumes/articles older than two years are open access except editorials which always are open access.

  1. NOMAD – 27(3), 2022

    Volume 27, No 3, September 2022


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Kim André Stavenæs Refvik and Annette Hessen Bjerke
    Computational thinking as a tool in primary and secondary mathematical problem solving: a literature review
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    Astrid Hågensen Kleven
    Methods and key findings in research on conversations in early years mathematics: a review of the literature
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    Jonas Jäder
    Creative and conceptual challenges in mathematical problem solving
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    Skapad: 2022-09-22 kl. 12:12

  2. NOMAD – 27(2), 2022

    Volume 27, No 2, June 2022


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Camilla Normann Justnes and Reidar Mosvold
    Scrutinizing Norwegian kindergarten teachers’ considerations about talk moves
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    Morten Bjørnebye
    Full-body interaction in young children’s modelling of counting-based addition
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    Aleksandra Hara Fadum og Helga Kufaas Tellefsen
    Videreutdanningsstudenters undervisningskunnskap relatert til likhetstegnets betydning i algebra
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    Skapad: 2022-06-21 kl. 17:19

  3. NOMAD – 27(1), 2022

    Volume 27, No 1, June 2022


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Tomas Bergqvist and Mathias Norqvist
    Creative and algorithmic reasoning – the role of strategy choices in practice and test
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    Jan Olsson and Denice D’Arcy
    Students’ reasoning and feedback from a teacher
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    Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget
    Mathematical modelling in textbook tasks and national examination in Norwegian upper secondary school
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    Ola Helenius and Linda Marie Ahl
    Gérard Vergnaud in action
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    Skapad: 2022-02-16 kl. 16:04

  4. NOMAD – 26(3-4), 2021

    Volume 26, No 3-4, October 2021


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Camilla Björklund and Anna-Lena Ekdahl
    Learning to teach mathematics in preschool through theory-driven interventions
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    Inger Eriksson, Jenny Fred, Anna-Karin Nordin, Martin Nyman and Sanna Wettergren
    Tasks, tools, and mediated actions – promoting collective theoretical work on algebraic expressions
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    Janne Fauskanger and Raymond Bjuland
    Opportunities to learn ambitious mathematics teaching from co-planning instruction
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    Charlotte Krog Skott, Louise Laursen Falkenberg and Ida Redder Honoré
    New mathematics teachers’ learning when participating in induction on mathematics education – a case study of two lower secondary teachers
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    Pernilla Mårtensson and Anna-Lena Ekdahl
    Variation theory and teaching experiences as tools to generate knowledge about teaching and learning mathematics – the case of pre-service teachers
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    Hanna Palmér and Jorryt van Bommel
    Teachers’ participation in practice based research – a methodological retrospect
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    Anna Ida Säfström, Björn Palmberg, Carina Granberg, Johan Sidenvall and Johan Lithner
    Initiating teacher-researcher collaboration to support students’ mathematical problem-solving
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    Anita Tyskerud
    Utvikling av matematikkundervisning – en kommognitiv analyse av rutiner i klasserommet
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    Mark Hoover and Deborah Loewenberg Ball
    Practice-based research on the teaching of mathematics: progress and imperatives for the future
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    Hamsa Venkat
    Practice-based research on mathematics teaching: A developmental turn?
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    Skapad: 2021-10-13 kl. 16:23

  5. NOMAD – 26(2), 2021

    Volume 26, No 2, June 2021


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Dorte Moeskær Larsen and Morten Misfeldt
    Fostering mathematical reasoning in inquiry-based teaching – the role of cognitive conflicts
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    Tomi Kärki, Jake Mcmullen and Erno Lehtinen
    Designing a game-based environment for enhancing rational number knowledge
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    Beate Nergård and Kjersti Wæge
    Effective mathematical communication in play-based activities: a case study of a Norwegian preschool
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    Åsa Wedin
    Languaging in mathematics classrooms – space for students’ varied language repertoires in the Language introduction program in Sweden
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    Skapad: 2021-06-02 kl. 10:14

  6. NOMAD – 26(1), 2021

    Volume 26, No 1, March 2021


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Malin Norberg
    Exercise design in mathematics textbooks: the case of subtraction
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    Susanne Johansson, Camilla Björklund och Anne Kultti
    Att utmana barns taluppfattning i en matematikaktivitet i förskolan
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    Ove Gunnar Drageset
    Exploring student explanations: What types can be observed, and how do teachers initiate and respond to them?
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    Anita Valenta, Kirsti Rø, Reidun Persdatter Ødegaard og Marit Buset Langfeldt
    Dekomponering av planleggingspraksis i en syklus av utforsking og utprøving i lærerutdanning
    [Full text. Subscribers only]

    Skapad: 2021-04-19 kl. 12:33

  7. Skapad: 2021-04-19 kl. 12:32

  8. Skapad: 2021-04-19 kl. 12:23

  9. Skapad: 2021-04-19 kl. 12:17

  10. Skapad: 2021-04-19 kl. 12:08

  11. NOMAD – 25(3-4), 2020

    Volume 25, No 3-4, October 2020


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Lena Lindenskov and Pia Beck Tonnesen
    A logical model for interventions for students in mathematics difficulties – improving professionalism and mathematical confidence
    [Full text]

    Juuso Henrik Nieminen
    Student conceptions of assessment accommodations in university mathematics: an analysis of power
    [Full text]

    Leif Bjørn Skorpen
    What the teachers and the students do and how they interact – a comparison of special education teaching and ordinary teaching in mathematics
    [Full text]

    Catarina Andersson
    Formative assessment – from the view of special education teachers in mathematics
    [Full text]

    Helena Roos, Maria Lindfors and Anette Bagger
    Educational settings in relation to special educational needs in mathematics
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    Cecilia Segerby
    Mind the gap between students and their mathematical textbooks
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    Skapad: 2020-11-04 kl. 09:43

  12. NOMAD

    Mind the gap between students and their mathematical textbooks

    Cecilia Segerby

    Reading and comprehending mathematics textbooks means understanding the global meaning and for this to occur successful comprehension strategies are required. Drawing on the results of a pilot study with six grade 3 students, a relationship between the students’ reading skills and their mathematical skills appeared. To examine this relationship further eighteen students from grades 1, 4 and 7, with different achievement levels were interviewed in this study. Both in the pilot study and in the current study the interview questions were inspired by the comprehension strategies of prediction, clarification, questioning and summarization from Palincsar and Brown’s reciprocal teaching model. These strategies are connected to Halliday’s Systemic functional linguistics to better understand how the textbook context affects students’ use of comprehension strategies. The results show that all students had developed reading comprehension strategies that were more or less successful, starting already from grade 1. Furthermore, the results of this study highlights that all students, independent of their achievement level or grade, require explicit teaching concerning efficient comprehension strategies to grasp the mathematical content being presented in mathematics textbooks.

    Cecilia Segerby
    Cecilia Segerby is senior lecturer at Kristianstad University. Her research interest is in special needs in mathematics with focus on language and preservice special educators’ relational competence.

    Skapad: 2020-11-04 kl. 09:42

  13. NOMAD

    Educational settings in relation to special educational needs in mathematics

    Helena Roos, Maria Lindfors and Anette Bagger

    This paper focuses on students in need of special education in mathematics (SEM students) and highlights teachers’ and principals’ reflections upon these students’ construction of knowledge in relation to two educational settings: the regular teaching setting and the test setting. The findings indicate that SEM students’ knowledge is legitimized only when displayed. However, there appear to be differences according to the specific setting. Different settings imply different knowledge representations, norms, and practices that need to be taken into account when reflecting, planning, and carrying out teaching in mathematics in relation to SEM.

    Helena Roos
    Helena Roos is associate senior lecture mathematics education at Malmö University, Sweden. Her research interests involve special educational needs in mathematics, inclusion, and – more recently, early interventions in mathematics education preventing mathematics difficulties. She particularly interests in students ́ perspective on teaching and learning mathematics, as well as sociopolitical issues of mathematics education.

    Maria Lindfors
    Maria Lindfors is a senior lecturer at the Department of Education at Umeå University, Sweden. Lindfors main research interests are in the field of epistemic cognition and epistemic climate (classroom epistemology), and how these matter in the everyday classroom. More lately, the research focus has been in the field of digitalization in teacher education, with a special interest in professional digital competence.

    Anette Bagger
    Anette Bagger is associate senior lecturer of special education at Örebro University, Sweden. Her research circles around a combination of sociopolitical and didactical dimensions of education. Baggers interests focus on assessment in mathematics education, often in combination with special educational needs. She particularly pays attention to students’ perspectives and teachers work with interventions in order to prevent difficulties and promote inclusion of all learners. Universal design for learning is also a more recent research interest.

    Skapad: 2020-11-04 kl. 09:37

  14. NOMAD

    Formative assessment – from the view of special education teachers in mathematics

    Catarina Andersson

    The potential of using formative assessment is well demonstrated, but studies about the use of formative assessment from a special education perspective are lacking. This study adds to this gap by investigating the view of formative assessment in a group of 39 special education teachers in mathematics (SETMs) who had learned about formative assessment within the SETM-program 2–6 years earlier. Five respondent interviews were used to design a questionnaire answered by the rest of the group. The SETMs had perceived formative assessment beneficial and useful in all their common sub-responsibilities and reported experiences of benefits as well as challenges. The article discusses the importance of reaching an inclusive formative assessment practice in mathematics education.

    Catarina Andersson
    Catarina Andersson is a senior lecturer at the Department of Science and Mathematics Education at Umeå University and a member of Umeå Mathematics Education Research Center (UMERC). Catarina works in teacher education, and has previously worked as a primary teacher and a special education teacher. Her main research interests are mathematics education, formative assessment, special education and teacher training.

    Skapad: 2020-11-04 kl. 09:30

  15. NOMAD

    What the teachers and the students do and how they interact – a comparison of special education teaching and ordinary teaching in mathematics

    Leif Bjørn Skorpen

    In this article, I compare three teaching situations: ordinary mathematics teaching, special education teaching in mathematics located within the ordinary class, and special education teaching in mathematics located outside the ordinary class, in order to find the main differences between them with respect to what the teacher and the students do. The findings are discussed in light of various aspects of the inclusion concept. The empirical material has been collected in the SPEED-project and consists of observations throughout an entire school day of 108 individual students, their teachers and the classes they belong to. The discussion reveals that the special education teaching is more individual, the student is more frequently engaged in subject-related activities and in communication with the teacher, and that each of the two different organizational forms of the special education teaching in mathematics separately seem to fulfil different aspects of the concept of inclusion in a best way.

    Leif Bjørn Skorpen
    Leif Bjørn Skorpen is Associate Professor in mathematics education at Volda University College. His research interests are mainly related to classroom research and mathematics difficulties.

    Skapad: 2020-11-04 kl. 09:25

  16. NOMAD

    Student conceptions of assessment accommodations in university mathematics: an analysis of power

    Juuso Henrik Nieminen

    This study investigates the power relations that underlie assessment accommodations in the context of university mathematics. Assessment accommodations, such as extended testing time, have been claimed to be controversial and even discriminatory. This study approaches these practices through the viewpoint of power and governmentality to understand their sociocultural nature. Nine mathematics students with special needs were interviewed to give them a voice over their own accommodations. The analysis used three contrasting notions of power (sovereign, epistemological, and disciplinary power). The students understood assessment accommodations as unfair practices, which represents unilateral sovereign power. Epistemological and disciplinary power could be identified when the students normalised mathematical assessment, and in the ways the accommodations constructed exclusion. This study highlights the importance of understanding power in the context of assessment accommodations, to shed light on the power structures that might create inequity and injustice in mathematics assessment.

    Juuso Henrik Nieminen
    Juuso Henrik Nieminen is a project researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. His multi-disciplinary research concerns the socio-cultural aspects of assessment in the contexts of higher education and mathematics education. Also, Nieminen has studied inclusive and accessible assessment practices. His Ph.D. thesis, conducted at the University of Helsinki, concerned student self-assessment from the viewpoints of agency and power.

    Skapad: 2020-11-04 kl. 09:20

  17. NOMAD

    A logical model for interventions for students in mathematics difficulties – improving professionalism and mathematical confidence

    Lena Lindenskov and Pia Beck Tonnesen

    This article describes elements in a Danish model for interventions in mathematics for students in mathematics difficulties. The authors have been core members of the intervention development team for the last decade. The aim of the interventions is to support the students and teachers involved and to be an instrument for municipalities and schools to improve mathematics culture. In the article, we start by sketching a couple of political level incentives and by outlining the pilot study and two large-scale experiments in which the model was implemented and expanded. We then present the research question that guides the article. In the main section, we present the logical model, which consists of nine boxes of inputs, processes and outputs. In order to illustrate viewpoints and ideas behind the boxes and their implementation, we have chosen to include some extracts from identification and teaching materials and some data collected through the pilot study and the experiments. We only address the many other existing intervention models to the extent that comparing characteristics helps to clarity characteristics in our own model. We conclude the article by claiming that an open standard to deal with students’ mathematics difficulties, and which is based on high expectations for students, teachers and schools, has been developed.

    Lena Lindenskov
    Lena Lindenskov is associate professor in mathematics education at Aarhus University, DPU – Danish School of Education, teaching at the master study in mathematics education. She has a Ph.D. in mathematics education. The title of her thesis is “Everyday knowledge and mathematics learning in school”. Her research mainly concerns children, adoles- cents and adults who are vulnerable in mathematics, within perspectives of justification and meaningfulness.

    Pia Beck Tonnesen
    Pia Beck Tonnesen is associate professor in mathematics education at the University College Copenhagen, Department of Teacher Education. Her field of expertise is early interventions studies for students experiencing mathematics difficulties in primary and lower secondary school.

    Skapad: 2020-11-04 kl. 09:11

  18. NOMAD

    Fostering an intimate interplay between research and practice: Danish ”maths counsellors” for upper secondary school

    Uffe Thomas Jankvist and Mogens Niss

    The gap between research and practice is a well-known problem (and topic) in educational research, and not least in mathematics education research. This empirically based article discusses the effects of a particular attempt to foster a closer connection between research and practice by involving mathematics education research findings in the activities of selected Danish upper secondary school mathematics teachers, who (have) take(n) part in a research-based so-called ”maths counsellors” in-service teacher programme. A key aspect of the programme is to make the activation of research findings a mere necessity for significant aspects of the maths counsellors’ practice. To illustrate the teachers’ research-based work, the article presents six characteristic examples from the implementation of the programme, i.e. authentic examples of how prospective maths counsellors have identified students with mathematics specific learning difficulties, have diagnosed the nature of these difficulties, and how they have designed interventions to help the students overcome them. A discussion of how these activities draw upon and are grounded in mathematics education research findings serve as a basis for evaluating the ”model” behind this further education programme.

    Uffe Thomas Jankvist
    Uffe Thomas Jankvist is professor of mathematics education at Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark. His research interests involve the use of history of mathematics in mathematics education, digital technologies in the teaching and learning of mathematics, the role of interdisciplinarity when teaching mathematics, students’ mathematics specific learning difficulties, and – more recently – implementation research related to mathematics education. He is currently a member of the board of European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME).

    Mogens Niss
    Mogens Niss is emeritus professor of mathematics and mathematics education at Roskilde University, Denmark. His research interests focus on mathematical competencies, the didactics of mathematical modelling, the nature and history of mathematics education as a research domain, the justification problem in mathematics education, and – more recently – on students’ mathematics specific learning difficulties. He was the secretary general of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction 1991–1998.

    Skapad: 2020-06-30 kl. 10:12

  19. NOMAD

    Guidelines for utilizing affordances of dynamic geometry environments to support development of reasoning competency

    Ingi Heinesen Højsted

    This article reports on guidelines developed based on an extensive research literature review investigating the potentials of dynamic geometry environments (DGEs) when the educational aim is to support students’ development of mathematical reasoning competency. Four types of potentials were identified – feedback, dragging, measuring, and tracing – and used in three dimensions of guidelines: students’ cognition, task design, and the role of the teacher. Using constructs from the Instrumental approach, the Theory of semiotic mediation, and the van Hiele model of levels, affordances and guidelines are elaborated upon and their potentials for reasoning competency are analyzed.

    Ingi Heinesen Højsted
    Ingi Heinesen Højsted is a PhD student at Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. His main interests include STEM education, mathematical competencies and teacher knowledge, particularly regarding primary and lower secondary school.

    Skapad: 2020-06-30 kl. 10:07

  20. NOMAD

    Conservative and transformative changes in algebra in Swedish lower secondary textbooks 1995–2015

    Kristina Palm Kaplan and Johan Prytz

    The present study examines textbook algebra tasks in an attempt to understand how textbooks change in a reform of lower secondary school algebra. Changes in 1557 textbook tasks for year 8 are described in terms of algebraic activities and school algebra discourses. The tasks were taken from textbooks published before and after a new syllabus was introduced in Sweden in 2011. The results show that the new syllabus’ focus on mathematical competences was not stressed in the textbooks and that the greatest change was an increase in word problems connected to everyday situations. It is suggested that, in this reform, textbooks have been conservative and transformative in relation to the syllabus.

    Kristina Palm Kaplan
    Kristina Palm Kaplan is a PhD student in mathematics education at Uppsala University, Department of Education. In December 2019, she is defending her thesis ”International large-scale assessments and mathematics textbooks in a curriculum reform process. Changes in lower secondary school algebra in Sweden 1995–2015”.

    Johan Prytz
    Johan Prytz is associate professor of curriculum studies at Uppsala University, Department of Education. He has a PhD in mathematics with specialization in the didactics and history of mathematics. His research mainly concerns history of mathematics education, curriculum reforms and textbooks.

    Skapad: 2020-06-30 kl. 10:02

  21. NOMAD

    Swedish primary teacher education students’ perspectives on linear equations

    Paul Andrews

    Linear equations, connecting arithmetic to the symbolism of formal mathematics, represent a key topic of mathematics. However, the understanding primary teacher education students bring to their studies has been rarely examined. In this study, students were invited to explain in writing how an unannotated solution to x + 5 = 4x – 1 had been conceptualised by the hidden solver. Data, coded against an iteratively derived framework, showed that most students were familiar with linear equations, able to articulate an objective for equation solving and offer solution strategies, typically based on either doing the same to both sides, swapping the side swapping the sign or both.

    Paul Andrews
    Paul Andrews is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Stockholm University. His research interests are typically focused on comparative analyses of mathematics didactics and participant, both teacher and student, beliefs. Currently he is the director of a Swedish Research Council-funded project on the development of foundational number sense in year one children in England and Sweden. His methodological and theoretical standpoints are varied and determined by the research questions he is pursuing at the time.

    Skapad: 2020-06-30 kl. 09:57

  22. NOMAD

    Potentialer og begrænsninger ved anvendelse af lærebøger i matematikundervisningen: resultater fra et systematisk review

    Natasja Steen, Matilde Stenhøj Madsen and Tomas Højgaard

    Denne artikel sammenfatter et kvalitativt, systematisk review af hvilke potentialer og begrænsninger der kan identificeres ved anvendelse af lærebøger i matematikundervisningen. Første del af artiklen beskriver den metodiske tilgang og afsluttes med et geografisk og tidsmæssigt overblik over forskningsfeltet. I anden del af artiklen præsenteres anvendelsen af begrebskort som et analyseredskab til at afdække sammenhænge i temaerne i den udvalgte litteratur. Resultatet af reviewet præsenteres som et oversigtsskema over de 59 inkluderede kilder. Disse kilder fordeler sig indenfor ti temaer der overordnet kan placeres i fire kategorier: ”lærebogsbegrebet”, ”lærebogen og eleverne”, ”lærebogen og curriculum” samt ”lærebogen og lærerne”. Disse kategorier udtrykker relationer lærebogen indgår i. Tredje del af artiklen beskriver eksempler på fund indenfor de fire kategorier og går tættere på kvalitative analyser i tre af disse temaer herunder et bud på en definition af begrebet ”lærebog”.

    In this article we present a qualitative systematic review guided by the question: Which potentials and limitations of using textbooks in mathematics teaching can we identify?
    Firstly, we present the methological approach and provide an overview of the literature with regard to geographic origin and year of publication. Secondly, we describe how we used a concept map as an analytic tool to illustrate connections of the themes in the literature. In this part we also present a descriptive review of 59 included sources, resulting in ten themes sorted in four categories: ”the textbook”, ”the textbook and the students”, ”the textbook and the curriculum” and ”the textbook and the teacher”. These categories express relations that the textbooks are part of. Thirdly, we present some of the findings in the four themes and take a deeper look at the qualitative analysis of three of these themes including a suggested definition of the concept ”textbook”.

    Natasja Steen
    Natasja Steen er matematikvejleder ved Heldagsskolen i Vantinge, Faaborg-Midtfyn kommune. Hendes forskningsinteresse er indenfor lærebøger i matematik herunder lærervejledningens mulighed for at udvikle læreres faglighed.

    Matilde Stenhøj Madsen
    Matilde Stenhøj Madsen er adjunkt ved VIA University College, Læreruddannelsen i Aarhus, hvor hun underviser i matematik. Derudover er hun tilknyttet Forskningscenter for pædagogik og dannelse, program for matematik- og naturfagsdidaktik. Hendes forskningsinteresse kredser om lærebogen og repræsentationer i matematikundervisningen.

    Tomas Højgaard
    Tomas Højgaard er lektor i matematikkens didaktik ved DPU, Aarhus Universitet. Hans forskningsinteresse er ikke mindst brugen af matematiske kompetencebeskrivelser som værktøj til at udvikle almendannende matematikundervisning i almindelighed, og vilkår for udvikling af elevers matematiske modelleringskompetence i særdeleshed.

    Skapad: 2020-06-30 kl. 09:41

  23. NOMAD – 25(2), 2020

    Volume 25, No 2, March 2020


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Natasja Steen, Matilde Stenhøj Madsen og Tomas Højgaard
    Potentialer og begrænsninger ved anvendelse af lærebøger
    i matematikundervisningen: resultater fra et systematisk review

    Paul Andrews
    Swedish primary teacher education students’ perspectives on linear equations

    Kristina Palm Kaplan and Johan Prytz
    Conservative and transformative changes in algebra in Swedish lower secondary textbooks 1995–2015

    Ingi Heinesen Højsted
    Guidelines for utilizing affordances of dynamic geometry environments to support development of reasoning competency

    Uffe Thomas Jankvist and Mogens Niss
    Fostering an intimate interplay between research and practice: Danish ”maths counsellors” for upper secondary school

    Skapad: 2020-06-30 kl. 09:33

  24. NOMAD – 25(1), 2020

    Volume 25, No 1, March 2020


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Camilla Sjölander Nordin
    Avtryck i problemlösningsundervisning – en fenomenografisk studie

    Raimundo Elicer
    Meanings of decision-making in probability and statistics: comparing Chilean and Danish upper secondary school curricula

    Helge Fredriksen and Said Hadjerrouit
    Exploring engineering students’ participation in flipped mathematics classroom: a discursive approach

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn og Håkon Robertsen
    Kystfiskermatematikk og skolematematikk: to ulike perspektiver på hva ei méd er

    Jenny Svanteson Wester and Angelika Kullberg
    Understanding the relationship between length and area when changing the size of a two-dimensional geometric figure

    Skapad: 2020-04-07 kl. 14:10

  25. NOMAD

    Understanding the relationship between length and area when changing the size of a two-dimensional geometric figure

    Jenny Svanteson Wester and Angelika Kullberg

    When scaling up or down two-dimensional geometric figures, students tend to believe that if the lengths are doubled, the area is doubled as well. Although a lot of effort has been made to study and overcome this illusion of linearity, previous research reports that the illusion often remains after teaching. We add to this research by studying students’ experiences of the relationship between change in length and change in area when enlarging or reducing two-dimensional geometric figures, identified in a learning study aimed at finding powerful ways of teaching scale to 14-year-old students. The aim of this study is to contribute to a deeper understanding of students’ experiences of the relationship and how it can be taught. Teaching the change in length and the change in area simultaneously was found to be one key to students’ learning.

    Jenny Svanteson Wester
    Jenny Svanteson Wester is a PhD student. Her research interest is teaching and learning in classrooms. She works as a mathematics teacher in secondary school.

    Angelika Kullberg
    Angelika Kullberg is an associate professor. Her research is foremost on the relationship between teaching and learning in the mathematics classroom.

    Skapad: 2020-04-07 kl. 14:08

  26. NOMAD

    Kystfiskermatematikk og skolematematikk: to ulike perspektiver på hva ei méd er

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn og Håkon Robertsen

    Kystens begrep méd er sentralt for blant annet å finne frem på havet og for å lokalisere fiskeplasser. En tradisjonell euklidsk beskrivelse går ut på at ei méd er ei rett linje gitt ved to punkter. Kystens folk har imidlertid utviklet sitt eget funksjonelle språk knyttet til begrepet méd. Der skolematematikken refererer til begreper fra euklidsk geometri, har kystfiskerne utviklet egne begreper og egen terminologi. Artikkelen bidrar til å synliggjøre matematikk i denne delen av vår immaterielle kulturarv. Vi belyser hvordan forskjeller mellom nordnorske kystfiskeres matematikk og skolematematikk kommer til uttrykk gjennom språk og kulturell praksis. Kystfiskernes kontekstavhengige matematikk bruker få ord, men språket er like presist som skolematematikkens mere omstendelige formuleringer.

    The coastal people’s concept med is central for finding one’s way at sea and for locating places to fish. A traditional Euclidean description is that a med is a straight line given by two points. The coastal people have developed their own functional language related the concept med. Where school mathematics refer to concepts from Euclidean geometry, the coastal people have developed their own concepts and their own terminology. The paper contributes to making visible some mathematics in this part of our intangible cultural heritage. We enlighten how differences between coastal fishermen’s mathematics and school mathematics is expressed by language and cultural practice. The fishermen’s mathematics is intertwined with context and use few words. Their language is as precise as the formulations in school mathematics.

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn
    Anne Birgitte Fyhn is professor in mathematics education at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø. She holds a professor II position at Sámi Allaskuvla/ Sámi University of Applied Sciences. Her main research interests are relations between mathematics education and culture.

    Håkon Robertsen
    Håkon Robertsen started as fisherman in 1960. Since 1986, he has been the skipper of M.S. Eistebåen, from Tromvik, Norway. Eistebåen is a 13 meter (42 feet) fishing boat for net and line fishing (garn og linefiske). It has a crew of two fishermen in addition to the skipper.

    Skapad: 2020-04-07 kl. 14:03

  27. NOMAD

    Exploring engineering students’ participation in flipped mathematics classroom: a discursive approach

    Helge Fredriksen and Said Hadjerrouit

    This paper explores first-year engineering students’ participation in flipped mathematics classroom. The work uses Sfard’s commognitive framework both as a lens for conceptualizing learning as participation in mathematical discourse and as a methodology for analysing the data generated by the activities that build the mathematical discourse. Data was collected mainly by video recording of classroom activities of first-year engineering students enrolled in several mathematics courses at a Norwegian university in 2016/2017. The aim of the study is to add to the lack of research on participation in flipped mathematics classrooms at the university level. The paper argues that engagement in the videos out-of-class enhances students’ participation in the mathematical discourse. The commognitive analysis comparing out-of-class videos and in-class activities show that there are indications of student learning through expansion of the discourse in the videos and enhanced participation in mathematical activities.

    Helge Fredriksen
    Helge Fredriksen received his master in physics from University of Tromsø in 1994. In addition to being a PhD Research Fellow at Agder University, Kristiansand, he holds a position as Assistant Professor at The Arctic University of Norway, campus Bodø. Fredriksen has research interests in active learning strategies in mathematics such as flipped classrooms. Additionally he participates in various R&D activities in information and communication technologies.

    Said Hadjerrouit
    Said Hadjerrouit received the MS and PhD degrees in informatics from the Technical University of Berlin (Germany), in 1985 and 1992, respectively. He joined Agder University, Kristiansand (Norway) in 1991. He is currently Professor of Mathematics Education at the Department of Mathematical Sciences. He has been in the teaching profession for 30 years. His research interests include Web design, didactics of informatics, ICT and learning, e-Learning, digital tools in mathematics education, Web 2.0 technologies, and teaching and learning theories in mathematics education.

    Skapad: 2020-04-07 kl. 13:49

  28. NOMAD

    Meanings of decision-making in probability and statistics: comparing Chilean and Danish upper secondary school curricula

    Raimundo Elicer

    In this article I investigate the roles given to decision-making in probability and statistics upper secondary school curriculum, in a comparative study between Chile and Denmark. Drawing upon Fairclough’s model for Critical discourse analysis, I analyse selected official curricular texts as examples of broader discursive practices. In particular, I focus on the positioning of social actors and legitimation strategies. Present discourses position students as active decision makers, though in the Chilean case this is only evident in more recent texts. The teaching and learning of probability and statistics are legitimised through the appeal to political, professional and educational authorities, and through narratives of necessity for rational, grounded, evidence-based decisions. In this aspect Danish texts are more open to complex social and political decision processes. The analysis illustrates a common search for linking mathematics education to democratic involvement in social and political decision-making, but failing to specify the relevance of probability and statistics beyond the individual psychological scope.

    Raimundo Elicer
    Raimundo Elicer is a PhD student in the programme of Didactics of mathematics with connections to history and philosophy of science, in the Department of Science and Environment at Roskilde University, Denmark. His main research interest is the didactics of probability and statistics from a critical mathematics education perspective.

    Skapad: 2020-04-07 kl. 13:43

  29. NOMAD

    Avtryck i problemlösnings- undervisning – en fenomenografisk studie

    Camilla Sjölander Nordin

    I denna artikel beskrivs hur nio lärare för åk 4–6 och 7–9 erfar sin problemlösningsundervisning och kollegiala lärande två år efter att de deltagit i Matematiklyftet, som var en nationell fortbildningssatsning i Sverige under 2012–2016. Studien tar en fenomenografisk ansats, och visar en variation i hur lärare erfar sin problemlösningsundervisning beroende på om de fortsatt att arbeta i en organiserad form av kollegialt lärande eller inte. Bilden studien ger är att det inte främst är lärarnas ämnesdidaktiska kunskaper, som påverkar hur de erfar problemlösningsundervisningen, utan att det istället är de organisatoriska faktorerna som spelar stor roll.

    For teachers in Sweden an extensive continuing educational training in mathematics didactics has been conducted. 35 000 teachers participated in this Boost for mathematics (Matematiklyftet in Swedish) (Ramböll, 2016). This phenomenological study describes how teachers for grades 4–6 and 7–9 experience their own teaching in problem solving two years after attending a Boost for mathematics. The study is based on interviews with the teachers. The outcome of the study shows the teachers’ thoughts on teaching of problem solving education, the skills of problem solving and collegial learning.
    Teachers’ learning is looked upon as a natural and expected part of the teachers (Clarce & Hollingworth, 2002). For teachers’ learning the result shows that those who no longer take part in collegial learning, today create their own forms of organization and that they to some extent take support of the five practices (Stein et al.,2008), but in that case mainly to support the structure of the lesson. Teachers who continue collegial learning also continue teaching based on the Boost for mathematics model, but in some cases there are elements with certain qualitative alterations. In their teaching of problem solving the result shows that these teachers have a critical attitude towards the contents of the education as well as the form of the teaching and the teachers use the five practices in their teaching. All teachers look upon it as a challenge to work with the skills of problem solving and the result shows that teachers to a very small extent allow the students to train their ability to formulate their own problems. Ellström (2005) believes that a continuing education initiative for a year cannot be perceived as a solution. The long-term effects are lacking and practice needs to be constantly maintained and developed.

    Camilla Sjölander Nordin
    Camilla Sjölander Nordin innehar examina som musiklärare, blockflöjtspedagog, ämneslärare i matematik samt speciallärare. Hon är verksam som speciallärare på Riksgymnasiet för döva, hörselskadade och språknedsatta i kombination med att arbeta som universitetsadjunkt på Karlstads Universitet. Hösten 2016 färdigställde hon sin mastersuppsats inom matematikämnets didaktik via Stockholms Universitet.

    Skapad: 2020-04-07 kl. 13:37

  30. NOMAD

    Algebra teachers’ questions and quandaries – Swedish and Finnish algebra teachers discussing practice

    Cecilia Kilhamn and Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg

    Taking the teachers’ own practices as a point of departure, this study investigates what areas of mathematical knowledge algebra teachers brought up in collegial discussions and how they used their knowledge in acts of decompressing, trimming and bridging. The discussions centered around aspects of teaching and learning school algebra previously shown to be problematic, but gave rise to mathematical quandaries, revealing gaps in the teachers’ own understanding of the mathematical content. The study implies that the ability to unpack a mathematical concept is essential in algebra teaching and that teachers may need external input concerning mathematical knowledge to enable development in pedagogical content knowledge.

    Cecilia Kilhamn
    Cecilia Kilhamn is a doctor in Mathematics Education and works at the University of Gothenburg. She has done research in algebra teaching and learning in the VIDEOMAT project in Gothenburg and as a guest researcher at Uppsala University. Currently she studying the intersection of algebraic thinking and computational thinking brought on by the implementation of programming in school curricula. She works as an editor for the journal Nämnaren at the national center for mathematics education (NCM) in Gothenburg.

    Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg
    Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg is a university teacher in the didactics of mathematics at Åbo Akademi University in Vasa, Finland. Before working in teacher education she taught mathematics, physics and chemistry in grades 7 to 9. Her PhD has a focus on school mathematical practices at the lower secondary level from the perspectives of students and teachers. Her resent scientific effort is to contribute to the to development of primary school teacher education and the professional development of teachers.

    Skapad: 2019-11-27 kl. 16:33

  31. NOMAD – 24(3-4), 2019

    Volume 24, No 3-4, November 2019


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Thomas Kaas
    Tilgange til tidlig algebra

    Peter Hästö and Riikka Palkki
    Finnish students’ flexibility and its relation to speed and accuracy in equation solving

    Anna-Maija Partanen and Pieti Tolvanen
    Developing a frame for analysing different meanings of the concept of variable mediated by tasks in elementary-school mathematics textbooks

    Inger Eriksson, Sanna Wettergren, Jenny Fred, Anna-Karin Nordin, Martin Nyman och Torbjörn Tambour
    Materialisering av algebraiska uttryck i helklassdiskussioner med lärandemodeller som medierande redskap i årskurs 1 och 5

    Jenny Fred
    Att designa för elevers deltagande i ett algebraiskt arbete – elever i årskurs 2 och 3 utforskar visuellt växande mönster

    Helena Eriksson
    Algebraic thinking and level of generalisation: students’ experiencing of comparisons of quantities

    Cecilia Kilhamn and Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg
    Algebra teachers’ questions and quandaries – Swedish and Finnish algebra teachers discussing practice

    Skapad: 2019-11-27 kl. 16:33

  32. NOMAD

    Algebraic thinking and level of generalisation: students’ experiencing of comparisons of quantities

    Helena Eriksson

    This article explores grade 1 students’ different ways of experiencing quantity comparisons after participating in teaching designed as a learning activity using tasks from the Davydov curriculum. A phenomenographic analysis generated three hierarchical ways of experiencing comparisons: counting numerically, relating quantities, and conserving relationships. The first category comprises arithmetic ways of thinking, whereas the second and third categories comprise algebraic ways of thinking. Algebraic thinking was identified as reflections on relationships between quantities at different levels of generalisation. The implications of these results in relation learning activity theory are discussed.

    Helena Eriksson
    Helena Eriksson is a PhD student at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Stockholm university. Her PhD-project concerns learning activity as a framework for designing teaching as well as a framework for research. Helena is engaged in teacher education at Dalarna University and is a teacher for special needs education in the municipality of Borlänge.

    Skapad: 2019-11-27 kl. 16:27

  33. NOMAD

    Att designa för elevers deltagande i ett algebraiskt arbete – elever i årskurs 2 och 3 utforskar visuellt växande mönster

    Jenny Fred

    Artikelns syfte är att beskriva och analysera vad i olika lektionssekvenser som skapar förutsättningar för att elever ska engageras i ett algebraiskt arbete och därmed urskiljer kritiska aspekter. Artikeln bygger på data från tre forskningslektioner i vilka lärandeverksamhet (learning activity) tillsammans med Radfords arbete om mönster-generaliseringar har utgjort teoretiska utgångspunkter. I analysen har didaktiska principer från lärandeverksamhet samt kritiska aspekter gällande att uttrycka och argumentera för mönstergeneraliseringar fungerat som analysredskap. Resultatet kan bidra till att fördjupa förståelsen gällande på vilka sätt principerna från lärandeverksamhet kan stödja ett etablerande och upprätthållande av ett algebraiskt arbete och därmed möjliggöra för elevers urskiljande av kritiska aspekter.

    The aim of the article is to describe and analyze what in different lesson sequences that creates the conditions for students to be involved in algebraic work and thereby distinguish critical aspects. The article is based on data from three research lessons in which Learning activity together with Radford’s work on pattern generalizations were theoretical starting points. In the analysis, didactic principles of Learning activity along with a few identified critical aspects regarding the ability to express and justify algebraic generalizations served as analytical tools. The result can contribute to deepened understanding of the ways the principles can support the establishment and maintenance of algebraic work enabling students to distinguish critical aspects.

    Jenny Fred
    Jenny Fred är fil lic i matematikämnets didaktik och lärare åk F–6. Hennes forskningsintresse handlar främst om den tidiga algebraundervisningen samt hur och vad i undervisningen som skapar förutsättningar för elevers lärande.

    Skapad: 2019-11-27 kl. 16:21

  34. NOMAD

    Materialisering av algebraiska uttryck i helklassdiskussioner med lärandemodeller som medierande redskap i årskurs 1 och 5

    Inger Eriksson, Sanna Wettergren, Jenny Fred, Anna-Karin Nordin, Martin Nyman och Torbjörn Tambour

    Syftet med denna artikel är att beskriva och diskutera vilka funktioner lärandemodeller kan ha för att främja yngre elevers kollektiva diskussioner om algebraiska uttryck. Artikeln bygger på data från ett designforskningsprojekt baserat på Davydovs principer för lärandeverksamhet, bestående av videofilmade forskningslektioner i årskurs 1 och 5. Analysen fokuserar på vad som skapar förutsättningar för helklassdiskussioner om algebraiska uttryck, hur de drivs framåt och kvalificeras samt vilka funktioner lärandemodeller kan ha för elevernas utforskande av matematiska strukturer och relationer i algebraiska uttryck. Resultatet indikerar att lärandemodeller som medierande redskap gör det möjligt för eleverna att föra kreativa och reflekterande diskussioner om algebraiska uttryck och deras komponenter.

    The aim for this article, which draws upon on data from a design research project based on Davydov’s principles of learning activity, is to discuss which functions learning models can have to promote students’ collective discussions on algebraic expressions. The data is comprised of videotaped lessons in Grade 1 and 5 respectively. The analysis focuses on conditions for qualifying whole-class discussions and the functions learning models can have for the students’ collective exploration of mathematical structures and relationships in algebraic expressions. The result indicates that learning models as mediating tools enable the students to conduct creative and reflective discussions on algebraic expressions and their components.

    Inger Eriksson
    Inger Eriksson är professor i pedagogik vid Stockholms universitet. Hennes forskningsintresse är elevers kunskapsutveckling och förutsättningar för lärande, speciellt i matematik och kemi, i ett verksamhetsteoretiskt perspektiv.

    Sanna Wettergren
    Sanna Wettergren är fil lic i didaktik. Hennes forskningsintresse är kvalificering av matematikundervisning i grundskolan, speciellt algebra och resonemang, samt olika aspekter av formativ bedömning.

    Jenny Fred
    Jenny Fred är fil lic i matematikämnets didaktik. Hennes forskningsintresse handlar främst om den tidiga algebraundervisningen samt hur och vad i undervisningen som skapar förutsättningar för elevers lärande.

    Anna-Karin Nordin
    Anna-Karin Nordin är fil lic i matematikämnets didaktik och arbetar vid Stockholms universitet. Hennes forskningsintresse är skapandet av matematiska argument och resonemang i helklassdiskussioner.

    Martin Nyman
    Martin Nyman är doktorand i matematikämnets didaktik. Hans forskningsintresse rör modeller för utformandet av en undervisning där elever ges möjligheter att engagera sig i ett aktivt undersökande av matematikens abstrakta dimensioner.

    Torbjörn Tambour
    Torbjörn Tambour är docent i matematik vid Stockholms universitet. Hans forskningsintresse är algebra och lärande av algebra.

    Skapad: 2019-11-27 kl. 16:14

  35. NOMAD

    Developing a frame for analysing different meanings of the concept of variable mediated by tasks in elementary-school mathematics textbooks

    Anna-Maija Partanen and Pieti Tolvanen

    Pupils’ studies in arithmetic can support the development of their algebraic thinking if arithmetic is taken as a starting point for generalising in sense-making discussions. One of the most prominent concepts in algebra is that of the variable, which can have many different meanings, depending on its context. In this paper, we develop a frame for content analysis of tasks in elementary-school mathematics textbooks. New categories for the meaning of variable are added to previous summaries, based on the literature review and the analysis. The developed frame can be used for analysing curricular materials, especially at the elementary-school level.

    Anna-Maija Partanen
    Anna-Maija Partanen is a senior university lecturer in mathematics education at the University of Lapland in Finland. She is also the director of LUMA -centre Lapland. Her research interests are the discussion culture of mathematics classroom and early-algebraic approaches to teaching in elementery school.

    Pieti Tolvanen
    Pieti Tolvanen is a lecturer in didactics of mathematics, physics and chemistry for pre-service class teachers and a PhD candidate in Faculty of Education at University of Lapland in Finland. His research interest is the development of elementary pupils’ algebraic thinking.

    Skapad: 2019-11-27 kl. 16:04

  36. NOMAD

    Finnish students’ flexibility and its relation to speed and accuracy in equation solving

    Peter Hästö and Riikka Palkki

    A total of 266 Finnish students participated in a flexible equation solving test. By flexibility we understand the knowledge of multiple strategies and ability to choose the most mathematically appropriate strategy for a given task. Here we focus on the first aspect, namely knowledge of appropriate alternative, so-called innovative strategies. The test measured students’ capacity and inclination for producing innovative strategies. We consider the relationship between these measures and students’ speed and accuracy in solving equations. We find that students with high capacity for innovation have high speed and accuracy. On the other hand, some low capacity students had high speed or accuracy whereas others had low. Inclination for innovation is not related to speed or accuracy.

    Peter Hästö
    Peter Hästö is professor of mathematics at University of Turku and University of Oulu, with responsibility for mathematics teacher education.

    Riikka Palkki
    Riikka Palkki is PhD student at University of Oulu, Finland. She has taught mathematics, physics and chemistry in secondary school. She has been working on a mathematics teaching development project since 2014. She is especially interested in flexibility and intentional errors in teaching mathematics.

    Skapad: 2019-11-27 kl. 15:58

  37. NOMAD

    Tilgange til tidlig algebra

    Thomas Kaas

    Undervisning af 6–12 årige i algebra og algebraisk tænkning har under betegnelsen ”tidlig algebra” gradvist etableret sig som forskningsområde og undervisningspraksis i et stigende antal lande. På basis af et hermeneutisk inspireret litteraturstudie karakteriserer denne artikel de indholdsmæssige tilgange til undervisning i tidlig algebra, som forskningslitteratur i perioden 1995–2017 giver. Analysen har resulteret i et rammeværk for tilgange til tidlig algebraundervisning, som præsenteres og diskuteres. Artiklen konkluderer bl.a., at undervisning i tidlig algebra typisk tager afsæt i elevers arbejde med tal, kvantiteter og/eller funktionelle sammenhænge, og at elevers algebraiske tænkning søges udviklet gennem aktiviteter, der enten har opdagelser af generelle egenskaber og egenskaber eller ræsonnementer vedrørende ukendte talstørrelser som fokus. Forskelle mellem de forskellige tilgange vedrører desuden den rolle, som repræsentationer og kontekster har i undervisningen.

    Teaching of 6–12 year old students in algebra and algebraic thinking has gradually become established as a research area and teaching practice in an increasing number of countries, under the term early algebra. This article presents a hermeneutically inspired review that was conducted to characterize and discus content approaches to early algebra teaching provided by the research literature in the period 1995–2017. The analysis of the included literature has resulted in a framework for approaches to early algebra teaching, which is presented and discussed.
    The article concludes that early algebra teaching typically takes its starting point in students’ work on numbers, quantities and / or functional contexts, and that students’ algebraic thinking is taught through activities that have either identification of general relations and properties or reasoning with unknown quantities as focus. Differences between the different approaches relate also to the role of representations and contexts in the teaching.

    Thomas Kaas
    Thomas Kaas er ph.d.-studerende ved Aarhus Universitet og Københavns Professionshøjskole. Han har tidligere arbejdet som folkeskolelærer, læreruddanner og lærebogsforfatter. Hans primære forskningsinteresser er algebraisk tænkning og evaluering i matematikundervisning.

    Skapad: 2019-11-27 kl. 15:49

  38. NOMAD

    University students’ general and specific beliefs about infinity, division by zero and denseness of the number line

    Kristina Juter

    A study of university students’ beliefs about infinity and related concepts, e.g. division by zero and denseness of the number line, was conducted. The concepts were chosen for the students’ proven cognitive challenge in coping with them, and part of the study was to analyze individual beliefs of the different concepts in relation to each other. A questionnaire was designed to discover relationships between pre- service teachers’ and technology students’ beliefs. Particular foci in the study were general and specific perspectives of the concepts and admission requirements for the programs. The results show incoherence with respect to general and specific representations of aspects concerning denseness of the number line, and also show that admission requirements are significant when it comes to validity of beliefs about division by zero.

    Kristina Juter
    Kristina Juter is Professor of Mathematics education at Kristianstad Uni- versity in Sweden. Her current research interests are students’ understandings of concepts related to calculus, pre-service mathematics teacher development and upper secondary school physics teachers’ use of mathematics in physics teaching.

    Skapad: 2019-06-20 kl. 08:52

  39. NOMAD – 24(2), 2019

    Volume 24, No 2, June 2019


    Access to the two most recent volumes are password protected. Use ”Open access” in the menu for full text of older articles.


    Trond Stølen Gustavsen and Olav Gravir Imenes
    Investigating the fit of a model for students’ understanding of fractions in a Norwegian context

    Abdel Seidouvy, Ola Helenius and Maike Schindler
    Authority in students’ peer collaboration in statistics: an empirical study based on inferentialism

    Svanhild Breive
    Engaging children in mathematical discourse: a kindergarten teacher’s multimodal participation

    Kristina Juter
    University students’ general and specific beliefs about infinity, division by zero and denseness of the number line

    Skapad: 2019-06-19 kl. 16:09

  40. NOMAD

    University students’ general and specific beliefs about infinity, division by zero and denseness of the number line

    Kristina Juter

    A study of university students’ beliefs about infinity and related concepts, e.g. division by zero and denseness of the number line, was conducted. The concepts were chosen for the students’ proven cognitive challenge in coping with them, and part of the study was to analyze individual beliefs of the different concepts in relation to each other. A questionnaire was designed to discover relationships between pre- service teachers’ and technology students’ beliefs. Particular foci in the study were general and specific perspectives of the concepts and admission requirements for the programs. The results show incoherence with respect to general and specific representations of aspects concerning denseness of the number line, and also show that admission requirements are significant when it comes to validity of beliefs about division by zero.

    Kristina Juter
    Kristina Juter is Professor of Mathematics education at Kristianstad Uni- versity in Sweden. Her current research interests are students’ understandings of concepts related to calculus, pre-service mathematics teacher development and upper secondary school physics teachers’ use of mathematics in physics teaching.

    Skapad: 2019-06-19 kl. 16:08

  41. NOMAD

    Engaging children in mathematical discourse: a kindergarten teacher’s multimodal participation

    Svanhild Breive

    This article reports from a case study which investigates a kindergarten teacher’s multimodal participation in a teaching-learning activity involving addition and counting. By multimodal participation the kindergarten teacher engages nine children (age 4.9–5.9) in mathematical discourse and supports their opportunities for learning. Implications for practice are that kindergarten teachers (and school teachers) can benefit from being consciously aware of the affects their bodily actions have on children’s mathematical reasoning and how they can engage children in mathematical discourse without having to ”teach” (i.e., tell) children mathematical concepts and relations. The article also considers how kindergarten teachers can prepare for a smooth transition to school by introducing children to mathematics through semi-structured activities.

    Svanhild Breive
    Svanhild Breive defended her PhD thesis at University of Agder in June 2019. She has then been employed as Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education at University of South-Eastern Norway. Her key research interests are mathematics teaching and learning in kindergarten.

    Skapad: 2019-06-19 kl. 16:04

  42. NOMAD

    Authority in students’ peer collaboration in statistics: an empirical study based on inferentialism

    Abdel Seidouvy, Ola Helenius and Maike Schindler

    Students’ peer collaboration efforts in mathematics and statistics is a topic that has increasingly gained attention in research. In any collaboration, authority relations play a role for how meaning is constituted: Whenever things are discussed and decisions are made, authority is involved in a sense that some arguments or persons may be more convincing and powerful than others. In this article, we investigate how authority changes dynamically in type and in distribution as groups of fifth grade students collaborate in data generation processes. We identify and categorize authority using an epistemological framework, which is based on the philosophical theory of inferentialism. The results show that the three different types of authority described in inferentialism are all identifiable in students’ collaborative work. We also find and categorize further types of authority connected to the statistics group work, some of which are hardly addressed in previous research.

    Abdel Seidouvy
    Abdel Seidouvy is PhD student at Örebro University, Sweden. His main research interest concerns statistics education, student collaboration, and inferentialism in statistics education.

    Ola Helenius
    Ola Helenius is a researcher and a designer of teaching sequences and professional development programs at the National Centre for Mathematics Education at University of Gothenburg. His main research interests concerns the epistemology, psychology and neuropsychology of elementary mathematics, and professional development of mathematics teachers and preschool teachers.

    Maike Schindler
    Maike Schindler has a PhD in mathematics education from TU Dortmund University, Germany. After her postdoc at Örebro University, Sweden, she became professor at the University of Cologne, Germany. Her main research interests relate to theories in mathematics education, learning difficulties and special education in mathematics, creativity and giftedness in mathematics, inclusive teaching and learning, and – methodically – the use of eye tracking in mathematics education.

    Skapad: 2019-06-19 kl. 15:59

  43. NOMAD

    Investigating the fit of a model for students’ understanding of fractions in a Norwegian context

    Trond Stølen Gustavsen and Olav Gravir Imenes

    To capture the complexity of students’ understanding of fractions, a model linking part-whole to the subconstructs ratio, operator, quotient and measure has been proposed. We ask if this model is compatible with students’ achievements in a Norwegian context. Responses from 638 students were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM), and a good fit of the model was obtained after removing the ratio subconstruct. In particular, part-whole is seen to be important for operator, quotient and measure. Using qualitative analysis of interviews, we found reasoning associated with ratio, with a weak link to the part-whole subconstruct.

    Trond Stølen Gustavsen
    Trond Stølen Gustavsen is Professor of mathematics at the University of South-Eastern Norway and Professor of mathematics/mathematics education at the University of Bergen. He holds a Dr. Scient. degree from the University of Oslo and has done research in pure mathematics. Gustavsen is editor and co-author of textbooks for mathematics teacher education and his research interests include the teaching and learning of fractions and argumentation and proof.

    Olav Gravir Imenes
    Olav Gravir Imenes is Associate Professor of mathematics/mathematics education at Oslo Metropolitan University. He has a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Oslo in the subject of non-commutative algebraic geometry and has published research in mathematics education and contributed to textbooks for teacher education in mathematics. His research interests include non-commutative algebraic geometry and the teaching and learning of fractions.

    Skapad: 2019-06-19 kl. 15:47

  44. NOMAD – 24(1), 2019

    Volume 24, No 1, March 2019


    Links display the full text pdf.


    Annika Pettersson, Yvonne Liljekvist and Jorryt van Bommel
    Studying concept elements as a way to trace students’ conceptual understanding

    Kajsa Bråting, Lars Madej and Kirsti Hemmi
    Development of algebraic thinking: opportunities offered by the Swedish curriculum and elementary mathematics textbooks

    Johan Sidenvall
    Literature review of mathematics teaching design for problem solving and reasoning

    Janne Fauskanger
    Ambisiøse undervisningspraksiser i Teacher time out

    Skapad: 2019-02-15 kl. 14:20

  45. NOMAD

    Ambisiøse undervisningspraksiser i Teacher time out

    Janne Fauskanger

    Denne studien undersøker ambisiøse undervisningspraksiser lærere får muligheter til å øve på å utføre gjennom rutinen Teacher time out (TTO) i et etterutdanningsforløp. Datamaterialet analysert er fra prosjektet Mestre ambisiøs matematikkundervisning, hvor lærere arbeider med bestemte matematiske aktiviteter i sykluser av utforsking og utprøving. Analysene av 139 TTO viser at deltakerne får øve på følgende undervisningspraksiser: 1) å få frem elevers matematiske ideer, 2) å orientere elevene mot hverandres ideer, 3) å respondere på elevenes matematiske ideer, 4) å vurdere elevenes matematiske forståelse, samt til utvikling av mer generell undervisningskompetanse. Implikasjoner for fremtidig etterutdanning og for fremtidig forskning diskuteres.

    This study investigates ambitious teaching practices teachers have an opportunity to practice through the routine Teacher time out (TTO). The data material analyzed is taken from the project Mastering ambitious mathematics teaching, wherein teachers in their professional development work on given teaching activities in cycles of enactment and investigation. 139 TTOs have been analyzed. The analyses indicate that the teachers in TTOs have an opportunity to practice the following teaching practices: 1) eliciting students’ mathematical ideas, 2) orienting students towards each other’s ideas, 3) responding to students’ mathematical ideas, 4) evaluating students’ mathematical understanding, and in addition developing their general teaching competence. Implications for future professional development and research are discussed.

    Janne Fauskanger
    Janne Fauskanger er førsteamanuensis i matematikkdidaktikk ved Universitetet i Stavanger. Hennes forskningsinteresser knyttes hovedsakelig til matematikklæreres kunnskap og praksis, samt til utvikling av læreres kunnskap og praksis.

    Skapad: 2019-02-15 kl. 14:09

  46. NOMAD

    Literature review of mathematics teaching design for problem solving and reasoning

    Johan Sidenvall

    To characterize teaching designs intended to enhance students’ problem solving and reasoning skills or to develop other mathematical competencies via problem solving and reasoning, a literature review was conducted of 26 articles published in seven top-ranked journals on mathematics education from 2000 to 2016. Teaching designs were characterized by a) the educational goals of the designs, b) the claims about how to reach these goals, and c) the empirical and theoretical arguments underlying these claims. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the retrieved articles. All but two studies had goals concerned with developing students’ mathematical competencies. The overarching ideas of the identified emergent claims regarding the achievement of stipulated goals, concerned scaffolding students’ learning and letting students construct their own mathematics. Four recurring theoretical arguments were found to support emergent claims: hypothetical learning trajectories, realistic mathematics education, theory of didactical situations and zone of proximal development.

    Johan Sidenvall
    Johan Sidenvall, post-graduate student at the Department of Science and Mathematics Education, and Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre (UMERC), Umeå University, Sweden. His research interest is how and under what conditions mathematical teaching, aimed at supporting students’ own construction of solutions via reasoning, may lead to more effective learning.

    Skapad: 2019-02-15 kl. 14:03

  47. NOMAD

    Development of algebraic thinking: opportunities offered by the Swedish curriculum and elementary mathematics textbooks

    Kajsa Bråting, Lars Madej and Kirsti Hemmi

    In search of the reasons for Swedish students’ low achievement in algebra in international and national evaluations, we investigate how the development of algebraic thinking is addressed in the Swedish national mathematics curriculum and two widely used mathematics textbook series for grades 1–6 in Sweden. The analytical tool used is based on the classification of ”big ideas” which research has shown as important for developing pupils’ algebraic understanding in early school grades. The results show that functional thinking, expressions, and equations are well represented topics both in the curriculum and the textbooks; however generalized arithmetic is a topic that is poorly developed in both the curriculum and the textbooks.

    Kajsa Bråting
    Kajsa Bråting is Associate professor in mathematics education at the Department of education, Uppsala university. Currently she leads the VR-funded research project Integrating programming in school mathematics – exploring the intersection of algebraic and computational thinking and participates in a research project aiming at characterizing the algebraic content in the Swedish mathematics curriculum and textbooks for grades 1–9. She writes textbooks in mathematics for upper secondary school level and for teacher education.

    Lars Madej
    Lars Madej is a doctoral student and university teacher in mathematics education at the Department of education, Uppsala university. He is also fil. lic. in mathematics. Currently he participates in the research project Towards research-based teaching of algebra – diachronic and synchronic analyses of steering documents, curriculum materials and teachers, funded by the Swedish research council. He writes textbooks in mathematics for intermediate school.

    Kirsti Hemmi
    Kirsti Hemmi is Professor in mathematics and science education at Åbo akademi university in Finland and Guest professor at Uppsala university in Sweden. She has led research projects comprising cultural aspects of mathematics education, curricula, textbooks and teachers’ interaction with materials. She is currently leading a four-year research project at Uppsala university focusing on the progression of algebra in the Swedish mathematics curriculum.

    Skapad: 2019-02-15 kl. 13:59

  48. NOMAD

    Studying concept elements as a way to trace students’ conceptual understanding

    Annika Pettersson, Yvonne Liljekvist and Jorryt van Bommel

    The understanding of mathematical concepts has been described in terms of concept definition and concept image. We suggest an elaboration of these constructs, the concept element, to find a way to theoretically describe students’ understanding. The concept element construct was tested in a setting with students working with linear functions at the secondary school level. Our empirical findings reveal traces of students’ concept elements regarding linear functions. Some concept elements appeared early in the process while others appeared after a cognitive conflict (e.g. evoked by the task construction and setting). The detailed grid on which concept elements are defined was a useful tool, yielding new insights into students’ knowledge and understanding.

    Annika Pettersson
    Annika Pettersson is licentiate in Mathematics and lecturer at Kristine hamns kommun, Sweden. She works in upper secondary school for adults (Komvux). Her research interests are students’ learning, teaching development and the possibilities for teachers to research base their teaching.

    Yvonne Liljekvist
    Yvonne Liljekvist is senior lecturer in Mathematics Education at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Karlstad University, Sweden. One of her research interests is mathematics teachers’ professional development. One of her research interests is mathematics teachers’ professional development, focusing on the relations between the subject and processes of teaching – studying – learning.

    Jorryt van Bommel
    Jorryt van Bommel is senior lecturer in Mathematics Education at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Karlstad University, Sweden. Her research focusses on teachers’ professional development as well as the teaching and learning of mathematics in preschool class, primary and secondary school.

    Skapad: 2019-02-15 kl. 13:53

  49. NOMAD – 23(3-4), 2018

    Volume 23, No 3-4, November 2018



    Tamsin Meaney and Toril Eskeland Rangnes
    Language diversity in mathematics education in the Nordic countries 2008–2018

    Eva Norén and Petra Svensson Källberg
    Fabrication of newly-arrived students as mathematical learners

    Petra Svensson Källberg
    Identity formations as mathematical learners in the context of transition

    Marie Sjöblom
    Developing mathematical reasoning by using questions in a multilingual mathematics classroom

    Maria Ahlholm and Päivi Portaankorva-Koivisto
    The language factor – what exactly is it? Bilingual speakers of Russian and Finnish solving mathematical tasks

    Jöran Petersson
    Newly- and early-immigrated second-language students’ knowledge of arithmetic syntax

    Hilja L. Huru, Anna-Kaisa Räisänen and Anita Movik Simensen
    Culturally based mathematics tasks: a framework for designing tasks from traditional Kven artefacts and knowledge

    Mette Hjelmborg and Ane Fleischer
    En registeranalyse af centrale matematiske begreber i en grønlandsk kontekst

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Ellen J. Sara Eira, Ole Einar Hætta, Inga Anne Marit Juuso, Siv Ingrid Nordkild og Ellen Margrethe Skum
    Bishop Sámegillii – utfordringer ved oversetting av matematikkdidaktisk fagterminologi

    Dorota Lembrér
    Polish parents’ views on mathematics activities at home and in Swedish preschools

    Troels Lange and Tamsin Meaney
    Talking about mathematics in two languages: Can parental views inform the development of digital games for young children?

    Andrea Eikset and Tamsin Meaney
    When does a difference make a difference? Teaching about language diversity in mathematics teacher education

    Susanne Prediger
    Multilingual issues in Nordic mathematics education – What is achieved and where to go next?

    Skapad: 2018-11-06 kl. 11:33

  50. NOMAD

    Multilingual issues in Nordic mathematics education – What is achieved and where to go next?

    Susanne Prediger

    This Nomad special issue provides eleven highly interesting insights into current research and development projects in mathematics education on multilingual and multicultural issues. It shows the diversity of approaches currently adopted in the Nordic Countries with an impressing richness of perspectives and ideas. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to read and discuss the papers carefully as I learned a lot. In this commentary, I compare and connect the papers with each other and the international state of research and to suggest some directions for further research and development. The commentary is structured in the following steps: Di erent implicit and explicit conceptualization of languages are identi ed in the articles ( rst section); di erent research approaches are summarized with a need to strengthen Design research (second section); and di erent instructional approaches for activating multiple language resources for mathematics learning and further enhancing both languages (third section).

    Susanne Prediger
    Susanne Prediger is full professor for mathematics education research at TU Dortmund University in Germany and currently the vice-director of the German Center for Mathematics Teacher Education. She leads a big research group on language diversity in mathematics education and is interested in fostering language learners’ mathematics learning.

    Skapad: 2018-11-06 kl. 11:22