(* = Tidskriften finns i NCM:s bibliotek)
*The American Mathematical Monthly
BSHM Bulletin. Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics
*Infinity – Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application
Journal of Mathematics and Culture Fritt tillgänglig online!
Journal of Mathematics and the Arts (peer reviewed)
*The Journal of Recreational Mathematics
*Matematikmagasinet (Danmark)
*Math Horizons
Math in the Media Fritt tillgänglig online!
*The Mathematical Gazette
*Mathematics Competitions
*Mathematics Magazine
Medlemsutskicket, Svenska matematikersamfundet Fritt tillgänglig online!
Nexus Network Journal: Architecture and Mathematics Online Fritt tillgänglig online! (peer reviewed)
*Normat – Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift
Philosophia Mathematica
Plus magazine (ac.uk) Fritt tillgänglig online!
*Symmetry plus
Visual Mathematics : Art and Science Electronic Journal Fritt tillgänglig online!