Följande tidskrifter finns att läsa i NCM:s bibliotek:
Tidskrifter A–E
Tidskrifter F–J
Tidskrifter K–O
Tidskrifter P–
ALM Newsletter – Adults learning maths
NCM: 2001-
NCM 2005-
The American mathematical monthly
NCM 2009-
The Australian Mathematics teacher/
NCM: 2001-
Australian primary mathematics classroom/a journal of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc.
NCM: 2001-
Australian senior mathematics journal/a journal of the Australian Mathematics Teachers Inc. devoted to the teaching and learning of mathematics in years 11 and 12 of secondary school and the early years of tertiary education
NCM: 2001-
Canadian journal of science, mathematics and technology education/Revue canadienne de l’enseignement des sciences, des mathématiques et des technologies
NCM: 2001-
The college mathematics journal
NCM: 2002-
Educational studies in mathematics/
NCM: 2000-
Elementa/matematik, fysik, kemi
(tidigare: Tidskrift för elementär matematik, fysik och kemi)
NCM: 1917-2004
L’enseignement mathématique/revue internationale
NCM: 2001-
Equals/mathematics and special educational needs
NCM: 2001-
Focus on learning problems in mathematics/official journal of the research council on mathematics learning
Se: Investigations for
NCM: 2001-
Forska : en tidning från Vetenskapsrådet om forskningsfinansiering, forskningspolitiska frågor och forskningsinformation / Vetenskapsrådet
NCM: 2006-
Forskning & Framsteg
NCM: 2007–
For the learning of mathematics/an international journal of mathematics education
NCM: 2001-
Forum for matematikkens didaktik
NCM: 2002-
Förskolan / tidningen för alla förskollärare
NCM 2005-
HPM Newsletter – International Study Group on the Relations Between History and Pedagogy of Mathematics
NCM: 2001-
ICMI Bulletin of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
NCM: 2000-
Illustrerad vetenskap
NCM: 2006:7-
The international journal for technology in mathematics education
NCM: 2005-
International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education
NCM 2006-
International journal of computers for mathematical learning/
NCM: 2001-
International journal of mathematical education in science and technology/
NCM: 2001-
International journal of science and mathematics education
NCM: 2003-
International statistical review
NCM: 2002-
Journal for research in mathematics education
NCM: 2002-
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik/Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik
NCM: 2000:2-
The Journal of computers in mathematics and science teaching/
NCM: 2000-
The Journal of mathematical behavior/
NCM: 2000-
Journal of mathematics teacher education/
NCM: 2001-
Journal of recreational mathematics/
NCM: 2000-
Journal of science and mathematics education in Southeast Asia
NCM: 2006-
KOM – Kommunikation mellan vuxenutbildare
NCM: 2002-
Learning and instruction/the journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
NCM: 2001-
Lika värde
NCM: 2006-
Literacy and numeracy studies/an international journal in the education and training of adults
NCM: 1999-
NCM: 1993-
NCM: 1996-
NCM: 1978-
Matematika dlja skolnikov
NCM: 2005-
Matematika v skole
NCM: 2001-
NCM: 2003-
MathEduc (tidigare: Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik)
NCM: 2007-
Mathematica scandinavica/
NCM 1953-
The mathematical gazette/a journal of the Mathematical Association
NCM: 2001-
Mathematical spectrum
NCM 2002/2003-
Mathematical thinking and learning/an international journal
NCM: 1999-
Mathematics competitions/
NCM: 2001-
Mathematics education research journal/
NCM: 2001-
Mathematics in school
NCM 2001-
Mathematics magazine
NCM: 2009-
The mathematics teacher : an official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics /
NCM 2002-
Mathematics teacher education & development/
NCM 1999-
Mathematics teaching (incorporating Micromath)
NCM: 1975-
Mathematics teaching in the middle school
NCM 2002-
Micromath/a journal of the Association of teachers of mathematics
NCM: 1985-2005 (Sammanslagen med Mathematics teaching)
Mittelungen der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik
NCM: Nr 69, 1999-
MONA : Matematik- og naturfagsdidaktik – tidsskrift for undervisere, formidlere og forskere
NCM: 2005 –
NCM: 2007-
NCSM Journal of mathematics education leadership
NCM: 2001-
NCTM News bulletin
NCM: 2002-
NORDINA – Nordic Studies in Science Education
NCM: Nr. 1 2005-
Nordisk matematikdidaktik – NOMAD
NCM: 1993-
Normat/Nordisk matematisk tidskrift
NCM: 1979-
Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning
NCM: 1974-
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige
NCM: 2001-
Philosophia Mathematica – Series 3/ Toronto Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Matematics
NCM: 2001- 2006
Primary mathematics/
NCM: 2001-
NCM: 2001-
Qvartilen : Svenska statistikersamfundets tidskrift.
NCM: 2004-2007
Qvinstensen : Svenska statistikfrämjandet
NCM: 2008-
Recherches en didactique des mathématiques
NCM 2002-
NCM: 2005-
School, Science and Mathematics/official journal of the School Science and Mathematics Association, founded 1901
NCM: 2001-
Science & education/contributions from history, philosophy and sociology of science and mathematics
NCM: 2001-
NCM: Endast innevarande år
NCM: 2007-
Svensk Förening för Matematikdidaktisk Forsknings medlemsblad.
NCM: 2002-
Tangenten : tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning
NCM: 1994-
Teaching children mathematics / Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1994-
NCM 2002-
Teaching mathematics and its applications/
NCM: 2001-
Teaching statistics/an international journal for teachers of pupils aged 9 to 19
NCM 2002-
Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning
NCM 2002-
Tidskrift för matematik och fysik, tillegnad den svenska elementarundervisningen
NCM 1868-1874
Utbildning och demokrati / tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik
NCM: 2002-
Voksenpædagogisk tidsskrift/
NCM: 2003-2005
ZDM/Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik (Print)
NCM: 2000- 2006 (Ny titel: MathEduc)
360 : om forskning och utveckling i skola och förskola
NCM: 2009-
Innehåll: MD