Nytt nummer av NOMAD

Årets sista nummer av NOMAD, Nordisk MatematikkDidaktikk, är här!
Det är ett tematiskt dubbelnummer med sex artiklar. Temat är ”special needs education in mathematics”.

Redaktörer för detta nummer:
Anette Bagger, Örebro University
Ingemar Holgersson, Kristianstad University
Elin Reikerås, University of Stavanger
Ewa Bergqvist, Umeå University


NOMAD nr 3–4, 2020

Lena Lindenskov and Pia Beck Tonnesen
A logical model for interventions for students in mathematics difficulties – improving professionalism and mathematical confidence

Juuso Henrik Nieminen
Student conceptions of assessment accommodations in university mathematics: an analysis of power

Leif Bjørn Skorpen
What the teachers and the students do and how they interact – a comparison of special education teaching and ordinary teaching in mathematics

Catarina Andersson
Formative assessment – from the view of special education teachers in mathematics

Helena Roos, Maria Lindfors and Anette Bagger
Educational settings in relation to special educational needs in mathematics

Cecilia Segerby
Mind the gap between students and their mathematical textbooks

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