PISA-kritik även från sydostasien

Forskare och lärare i USA har skrivit ett kritiskt brev om PISAs negativa effekter till Andreas Schleicher, ansvarig för PISA inom OECD. Nu kommer även negativa synpunkter från länder som klarar sig mycket bra i PISA-rankingen.

”Zhao says if he were a conspiracy theorist, he would think that PISA is a western plot to keep China trapped in an antiquated system, and unable to try the education reforms that would usher in a new era of creativity and entrepreneurship”, skriver Diane Ravitch, New York University.

PISA is a good servant but a bad master, wrote Finnish education scholar Pasi Sahlberg, author of the Finnish lesson: What can the world learn from educational change in Finland. Pasi is, as always, wise and generous, but in my mind, PISA is a servant that has turned into a bad master, perhaps by design. As it commands the world to race to fix the old paradigm and forgo opportunities to invent a new one, it puts the entire world at risk.” Yong Zhao, University of Oregon

»»» Hundreds of scholars criticize PISA, Schleicher defens it [Diane Ravitch’s Blog]