Egna erfarenheter
Undervisning, klassrumsforskning
The Learner’s Perspective Study
Learning Study
Redaktör för NOMAD
Nordisk MatematikkDidaktikk
Mathematics Education – ett omfattande vetenskapsområde
What is research in mathematics education and what are its results?
The development of mathematics education as an academic field
ICMI, International commission on mathematical instruction
Klassificering av vetenskapsområdet
ICMI Study Programme, Past & Ongoing
European society for research in mathematics education, ERME
Nordic society for research in mathematics education, NoRME
Handbook of mathematical cognition
Second international handbook of mathematics education
Handbook of international research in mathematics education
Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning
Handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education
ICME — International Congress on Mathematical Education
Freudenthal institute for science and mathematics education
Nasjonalt senter for matematikk i opplæringen, NSMO
Nationalt Videncenter for matematikdidaktik, NAVIMAT
Reidar Mosvold´s mathematics education research blog