
(*= Tidskriften finns i NCM:s bibliotek)

*Educational Studies in Mathematics (peer reviewed)
*For the Learning of Mathematics (peer reviewed)
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (peer reviewed)
*Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (peer reviewed)
ZDM, International journal on mathematics education (peer reviewed)
tidigare artiklar se :
*ZDM, Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik Fritt tillgänglig online 1990-2006!

Adults Learning Mathematics – An International Journal (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences
African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (continues Journal of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (peer reviewed)
The De Morgan journal
L’Enseignement Mathématique (peer reviewed)
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
Far East Journal of Mathematical Education (peer reviewed)
*ICMI Bulletin Digitalisering på gång
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME) Fritt tillgänglig online! (utom senaste numret)
International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
International journal for studies in mathematics education / Jornal Internacional de Estudos em Educação Matemática (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education (peer reviewed)
*International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education (peer reviewed)
International journal of computers for mathematical learning Se: Technology, knowledge and learning
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (peer reviewed)
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (peer reviewed)
*Investigations in mathematics learning (peer reviewed)
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik (peer reviewed)
*Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (peer reviewed)
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior (peer reviewed)
Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Mathematics Education (MSME) (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
Journal of Mathematics Education (JME) (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
*Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia
JUME, Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
Journal of Statistics Education Fritt tillgänglig online! (peer reviewed)
Literacy & Numeracy Studies (peer reviewed) E-tidskrift 2009-
LUMAT, Research and Practice in Math, Science and Technology Education (peer reviewed)
Mathematical thinking and learning (peer reviewed)
Mathematics Education Research Journal (peer reviewed)
The Mathematics Educator (peer reviewed)
*Mathematics Teacher Education and Development (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
*NOMAD, Nordisk Matematikkdidaktikk (peer reviewed)
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal Fritt tillgänglig online!
Pythagoras (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
*Recherches en didactique des mathématiques (peer reviewed)
*Research in mathematical education, journal of the Korean Society of mathematical education Series D (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
Research in mathematics education (peer reviewed)
Statistics Education Research Journal (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
The Teaching of Mathematics (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications (peer reviewed)
Technology, knowledge and learning (peer reviewed)
TME, The Mathematics Enthusiast (peer reviewed) Fritt tillgänglig online!