Nyförvärv februari, 2010

Augustinsson, S. and M. Brynolf (2009). Rektors ledarskap : komplexitet och förändring. Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Björklund, C. (2009). En, två, många : om barns tidiga matematiska tänkande. Stockholm, Liber.

Cotton, T. Understanding and teaching primary mathematics. New York, Pearson Education.

DeLillo, D. and R. Alsberg (2009). Ratners stjärna. Stockholm, Atlantis.

Eastaway, R. and M. Askew Maths for mums and dads. London, Square Peg.

Granström, H. (2008). Alltings mått. Stockholm, Ruin.

Granström, H. (2009). Osäkerhetsrelationen : [versroman]. Stockholm, Natur & kultur.

Knott, L. (2009). The role of mathematics discourse in producing leaders of discourse. Charlotte, N.C., IAP – Information Age Pub. Inc.

Mannila, L. (2009). Teaching mathematics and programming : new approaches with empirical evaluation. Turku, Åbo Akademi University, Department of Information Technologies.

Nelsen, R. B. (1993). Proofs without words : exercises in visual thinking. Washington, The Mathematical Ass. of America.

Pont, B., D. Nusche, et al. (2009). Förbättrat skolledarskap. Vol. 1, Politik och praktik. Paris, OECD.

Riccomini, P. J. and B. S. Witzel Response to intervention in math. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Corwin.

Sundström, Å. (2009). Från planering till skriftliga omdömen. Del 1, Matematik och NO. Stockholm, Fortbildning.

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Tengelin, N. (2009). Corporate investment to increase interest in mathematics, science and technology : a general analysis for the Volvo Group. Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology.

Walmsley, A. L. E. (2007). A history of mathematics education during the twentieth century. Lanham, Md., University Press of America.
A History of Mathematics Education during the Twentieth Century describes the history of mathematics education in the United States with conceptual themes concerning philosophy, mathematics content, teacher education, pedagogy, and assessment. Each decade of the twentieth century is analyzed using historical documents, within the context of the aforementioned themes, to create a concise history of mathematical reform as it relates to history within the United States. Finally, conclusions are drawn as to which reform movements are similar and different throughout the century–depicting which aspects of reform can be seen again. –publisher description

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